Alien's Claim Read online

Page 2

  I immediately placed my hand the tale beside me to grab the scalpel in order to end my life or theirs, I was still deciding. I didn't know what sort of fate would be waiting for us should I simply give in but I didn't want to find out and I wasn't in any mood to be turned into a sex slave for these decrepit monsters. I watched as Sheila did the same next to her table, grabbing a small pair of scissors on the desk beside her before she was tackled over the table by one of their soldiers. I screamed as one of the men grabbed me before I tore the laser scalpel into his wrist, cutting across his hand and causing him to scream before I began to run towards the exit. I tripped on the way out due to the efforts of some of the soldiers and fell onto the broken glass, Cuts begin to dot my hands as I scurried to my feet, stumbling out as fast as I could as I watched them begin to toss lighter fluid around the entire hospital.

  "No! No!" I cried.

  "Should've listened." Remarked Juer, "Now you have to pay the price." He remarked as he grabs me, openly groping my mounds before hauling me over towards his cruiser that he puts me in the back of. He latches these handcuffs on me and begins to drive away, hauling both Sheila and I away while I hear the screams of the people inside of the hospital. I shut my eyes and tried to blink away the tears and all the regrets that I had but it wasn't working, I was just too tired to even think about the paint that was about to be inflicted on those people as well as us.

  That is until this one thing cut my train of thought. This glowing light that was raining down from the sky that was about to strike the forest beside us. The men around us seem to pause before simply continuing, for all they knew it was a supply ship that was merely coming to help out some of the other charities. Our security force had abandoned us long ago, either that or they were killed, no one in their right mind would come here if their heart wasn't in it.

  Chapter Three


  "Landed on Nomida." Remarked the voice over the computer as I landed on one of the flat surfaces of land settled on the slope of a mountain, a mound of dirt and grass was what it was. I dialed the sensors on my armor in order for them to activate and my eyes glanced over my shield readings, everything was in order, all that I need to do now would be to act which was easier said than done.

  I slapped the energy cell into my rifle and placed it on my back before grabbing the blade that was currently holstered on the side of my seat. I dragged it out and heaved myself out of the ship, making sure that the medical kit, as well as the translator kit, was there on my belt as well. The entire ship slowly faded and became invisible as I activated the cloaking before I continued onwards leaping into the trees and hanging from the branches when I detected this...strange yelping that was coming from one of the directions. This screaming was different, it was shrill and yet it did something to me, it made me want to run towards it as soon as possible and rectify it. For some reason, I felt this strong inclination to simply find what the source of this noise was and end its suffering.

  It was a sound that made my heart pulse, that made this warmth in my chest grow...Could it be-

  "Help!" it cries out again before I heard a variety of men growling. There was the deafening sound of an engine roaring, it was only getting more and quieter so I knew that I had to give chase soon or else I would lose it entirely.

  I grabbed onto the branches and began to sprint amongst the trees, dipping and diving as I swung from branch to branch. Apparently, the Yukri was supposed to be found in one of these roots systems but even I was unsure if that was true. This artifact was my goal but in the face of this screaming it became an afterthought, I don't care about that now, I just needed to find my mate.

  I dig my claws into the bark of the tree and hang from it as I glanced at the hovercrafts that were passing by. I made sure to activate cloaking so that I wouldn't be noticed and I wasn't, what I did see were a couple of women that were tied up and bound as well as a group of men that were guarding them.

  Or keeping them prisoner

  I read up on the bandit groups before I had come here and these men showed all the signs of being one. The idiotic tactics, the excessive noise, the awful stench, it all pointed to the fact that these men were likely taking these women back to be used as...stars knew what.

  And I had to stop them, I had to do something. I knew that much when I saw that girl that was pressed up against the back of one of these hovercrafts with tears in her reddened eyes. I knew that she was the one, the mate that I had been searching for, for so long.

  Her blonde hair brushed gently over her cheek and those warm brown eyes gave me a comfort that I didn't know was even possible. This bond that had formed with just one glance was enough to make me quake. Apparently, she had seen me despite the chaos as well because her pupils immediately dilated when she glanced at me, her screaming stops for just a moment before I leapt into action.

  I took out my rifle and held it up while my talons dug into the bark of the tree. I shoot out a couple of bolts that all strike the back of the bikes and the hovercraft that didn't have women on them. Most of them flipped almost immediately while some merely crashed, there were still several that I didn't' get to hit but they immediately looked back upon seeing what had happened. The men began to scurry out of their ships while the main hovercrafts merely continued. I tossed grenades at the wreckages to ensure that the survivors would be taken care off before I continued. I sprint along the branch and continue to flip and run towards the last craft that I would need to take manually.

  The crafts stop soon after that, the men all stand around with their guns at the ready. They glanced at the trees with fearful eyes, their guns lifted and their teeth garnished as the women in the crafts cowered. I had taken care of most of them but it seems like this would have to be a hand to hand affair. I want to feel their blood on my blade, their infraction required a far more personal punishment.

  I glared down at the men standing on the swamp, the waters shift around their feet as they all began to fire at spots in the trees where there were chips of wood falling off or animals taking flight. None of those places were where I was.

  I leapt in and immediately jammed my sword into one of the men that had wandered away from the group. I toss the blade in an arc to catch another across the throat and immediately pounced on a third to slam his head into a nearby tree. I continued to leap from tree to tree, evading them before they began to fire wildly into the canopy without concern.

  And then it all goes to hell.

  I watched as one of the women in the back of the hovercraft begins to sprint, she gets to her feet and begins to run. She wasn't my mate, she was an older woman with grey streaks in her hair and soft green eyes, her cries echo through the woods and the men immediately give chase. I acted at the wrong moment it seemed.

  I cursed as the shots continued, they were going to strike her and I was too far away to do anything to help her. The laser bolts scatter off to their guns in confusion, in their search for me they struck her on her back and caused her to fall, there was a large hole where her back should have been. Her entire body collapses and I scowled as the other woman begins to scream, shaking wildly and crying as I leapt into action and tore into the remaining men. Hearing her cries was enough to drive me into a frenzy.

  I immediately gnashed my teeth and began to chuck the men off to the side. Their bodies strike the wood and snap trees in half as I let out a large roar. The cloaking in my armor had deactivated and there was now a mess if blood all over my once dull grey armor. My golden visor shines as I tore one of the men in half, immediately snapping my arm away from his now ravaged corpse before I turned to the last girl that was there.

  My mate, my teren.

  She was huddled against the corner of that cruiser that she was on. Her eyes were glazed over and her mouth was hanging open. I could see the tears running down her eyes, they were likely going to take her as a sex slave from what I had read, I understood that humans could be a bit barbaric but this...this wa
s primitive. They were really reduced to this kind of behavior all because of a legend?

  And as the moments passed, I began to take notice of her beauty as well.

  Her white coat was stained with blood but was only half on, underneath that was a loose-fitting blue shirt and tan shoes. She smelled sweet in comparison to all the bandits that I had slaughtered. Her brown eyes locked with mine and I immediately lost myself in them before her curtain of golden hair sweeps over those brown orbs. Her lip quivers and I watched the curves shift, her mammaries were larger than a Delosian female's and from what I have seen and her hips were...curvaceous. Her backside was ample and pressed against the bottom of the craft, I could feel myself hardening already. With the way her thighs were rubbing together I knew that she was aroused, I could smell the pheromones coming off of her and I knew that she was the one.

  She fulfilled the requirements, she was lovely, compatible, and she was young as well, she was all the things that I needed her to be.

  I tried to reach out to her but she shifts back for a moment and I realized that she wasn't comfortable with me yet. I give her a few moments to regain her bearings as I glanced over at the spot where her friend had been shot. My frown deepens as I glanced back at the corpses that were laying in the waters, I waded up to them and began to sift through them to grab whatever I could find.

  "Who are you?" called out my teren and I glanced at her, my helmet shifting back to reveal my face.

  I suppose that it would be easier to show her rather than simply tell her at this point. She likely wasn’t going to accept a translator from me at the moment either so attempting to converse with her would be rather useless.

  She gasps and I continued to search for any clues. I grabbed the information disks of the suits that some of these men were wearing and placed them into my pockets before I glanced back at her as she sat there pointing at me with widened eyes, her mouth was agape and I wasn't even quite sure if she knew what a Delosian was considering how young humans were on the galactic scale, comparatively I mean.

  "You're not human..." she concluded and I snorted. That was quite obvious, wasn't it? But she was still in shock so I suppose that I should be a bit easier on her.

  So I pointed to myself and drawled rather slowly, “Sarel.”

  She didn’t seem to pick up on it immediately, but said my name regardless “Sah-Rel?”

  I nodded and pointed to myself once again.


  She then nods and points to herself, announcing her own name slowly, “Sarah.”

  “Sah-rah.” I repeated, she seems like she wants to correct me but stays silent and I nodded in satisfaction.

  So I motioned for her ear, bringing out one of the translating chips that I had stored. She doesn't seem to understand my message and merely glanced at me questioningly as I continued to point at the chip on my finger and at my ear.

  "You want to stick that thing in my ear?' she asked.

  I nod.


  I pointed at my mouth and began to speak, she seemingly got the message, "You want to give me a translator?” she asked.

  I nodded again and she sighed before motioning me over. I let a small smile graced my lips as I walked over and neatly pressed the tip of my finger against her ear before the bot slides into her ear canal.

  She shivered and shook her head as the effects of the translator took place. It would take a while for her to understand me so I merely turned back and continued what I was doing. There was still time before one of these bastards would inevitably come and find the bodies of their men. I would need to move quickly, however, she looked like she needed some medical attention judging by how cut her hands were.

  "So can I understand you now?' she asked me and I glanced over at her. The model of translator that I had given her took a bit of time to take effect so at first, it would only be able to translate a couple of small phrases, it would take a while before it would allow her to understand everything that I said. So at first, I would only be able to give her short answers.

  "Partially." I admitted.

  "What does that mean?" she asked me incredulously.

  "Only short words." I remarked before walking back over to the craft that she was standing on. I had taken everything that I needed from the scene and was ready to carry her back when I noticed her eyes darting over to that spot.

  "Sorry." I remarked and she nods.

  "She was a good woman. We weren't that close but...I guess she was my only friend here."

  That sentiment did strike a chord with me. I do remember losing friends during the battles that I have fought, it was one of the reasons that I was so distant now.

  And then her eyes widened as if she had realized something. She opens her mouth and I have a feeling that I wasn't going to like what she was going to say.

  "We have to go back!"

  Back? Back where?

  I raised my eyebrow in confusion and she scowled.

  "The hospital! There might still be something there! People! When they took me they burned the place down! We have to go back!" she called out to me and immediately jumped to the controls of a hovercraft that she obviously didn't know how to control. I stare at her as she tries to get to her feet before I grabbed her hands to get her back down, shaking my head.

  If what she was saying was true then this "hospital" that she has come from was likely now burned to the ground.

  "Let me go!" she demanded and planted the hardest kick that she could on my chest. It still ended up hurting her far more than me, however, as she drew her foot back and cursed, whimpering as I merely glared at her in exasperation.

  She would have to come back with me and remain on my ship while I finished the mission. I wasn't going to just let her come with me when she was like this, especially since she didn't know how to fight.

  But this resistance that she was showing to me was both frustrating and...incredibly arousing in some strange way.

  "Let me go you jerk! We have to go! Please!" she whimpers and in that moment I sensed the weakness, the pleading in her voice and I sighed before I grabbed her and nodded. She tries to resist for a second but when I nod she seemingly understands what I needed to say and follows.

  "Fine. We go." I muttered into her ear, hoping that the translator would take root sooner so I didn't have to merely grumble whatever I was going to say. If she wanted to go back then I would show her the true magnitude of what had happened to that place and what was waiting for her should we return.

  She seemingly went along with it as she keeps quiet as I launched into the air, scattering amongst the branches while she squeals into my chest in shock.

  Chapter Four


  I was in shock, literally in shock. This strange alien whose species I've never even heard of it was taking me somewhere and I didn't even have a name for him. I suppose that I should have asked him but for now, all I could call him was blue based on his skin which was a bit racist now that I think about it.

  And it wasn't like I could ask him right now considering the fact that he was launching himself through the air at speeds faster than most cruisers.

  When he had shown up this great hope had aroused in my heart. When I had seen Sheila fall I was struck by a brief moment of anguish but I knew that I didn't even know her that well. She was just a coworker that I occasionally talked to, they all were. I was only here for a month so far, after all, she and I weren't that connected. The real reason that I was crying was that I had lost the only connection that I had in this place, the only real human connection at least. Most of my patients died despite whatever treatments that we had given them so I never got the chance to really become acquainted with them. This guy though...there was something different about him.

  He was far larger than any human that I have ever met. He was far taller, standing at about 7 ft. if I had to guess, he was far more broad and muscular, his physicality was incredible
simply judging by how he had taken care of that entire squadron of soldiers. Not even our entire security force could deal with something like that and I was shocked to see that he had actually been able-


  I immediately gasped and he paused on top of one of the branches as he glanced into the distance. That looked like the direction where the hospital was. He glanced down at his gauntlet and at the tracking system that he had on so that he could find the place...that was where...

  No! No! It couldn't be gone!"

  "Hurry please!" I cried out, tears welling in my eyes before he approached the grounds. He hops down onto the grass and sets me down in front of

  It had spread to a degree that was far larger than I could ever remember it being when they had lit it up. I thought that only part of the hospital would have been consumed and that those that were already there would have taken care of the issue but this...blaze was now consuming the entire place. I immediately get to my feet and begin to sprint towards the flames but he holds me back.

  "I have to help them! Stop! I have to help!" I cried.

  "You can't!" he roared as he tries to pull me into his arms. His incredible strength managed to overpower me and I was stuck in his arms, I watched the flames spread as the tears continued to well in my eyes. He loosened his grip and I begin to launch forward again but then he grabs me and drags me away, my head was throbbing now, I was consumed with anger, sadness, every emotion in between.

  God I need to vomit.

  He drags me through the branches while I sobbed, my hands were still shaking even when he brings me back to this flat patch of land near one of the mountains. This was the only place where dry ground could be found for quite a while, the mountains were a sanctuary in that way but they were incredibly hard to live or build on so they were mostly uninhabited.

  He sets me down on the edge of a cliff and I begin to question it all. the worth in still being here when it seems like all that's keeping me bound to this place was now gone. Why had he saved me above all the others? Why had this strange man that I didn't know come in to take me away?