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Alien's Claim Page 3

  Why? Why did they target our hospital? All I wanted was a quiet day and it seems like I wasn't even going to get that. It was just a massive mess of epic proportions and I was almost too tired to even try and think about it. I just wanted to shut my eyes and to deny it, I didn't want to even give it another mote of thought. My eyes shut and my teeth grit together while the tears continued to fall. I could see the smoke cloud in the distance.

  I had seen the charred bodies. A massive part of the roof was burned off likely due to the fire reaching some explosive chemicals that we had. I wondered how those final moments were for all of those people....of those children.

  The only emotion that was wracking me now was bitterness, this resignation that I wasn't entirely comfortable with, but it was all that I had.

  I glanced over at him as he stands near his ship on the hill, he takes out this small pack from the cockpit and sets it beside him before motioning me to come towards him.

  I didn't respond. This was all far too much to deal with, this was all far too much to even think about.

  "I need to see your wounds." He remarked and I scowled.

  "I don't care anymore..." I muttered under my breath before he grabbed me and pressed the gel against my hands. It was far different than any sort of medication that I had but I could recognize it. Medical gel, a miracle drug for sealing up cuts and reforming tissue.

  That didn't change the fact that I still lashed out though. I was still so angry, so frustrated with all that had happened.

  "I'm sorry for what has happened to you." He began before sliding more of the gel onto my arms as the cuts slowly sealed, "But you must regain hope, I am here to help you now."

  And that brought the next question to mind. Who was he? Why did he only come to save me?

  "Why did you come for me? Why did you save me out of everyone else?" I asked.

  Kidnappings were routine around here so the idea that he just chose me was somewhat unbelievable. Did he just happen across me by chance? Was that it? That was impossible considering the amount of people around that were constantly getting harassed by these bastards.

  He speaks slowly, his short sentences were getting a bit longer now but they were still rather labored. I suppose that it would take a while before the translator took full effect and I could actually hear him clearly, "I saved you because you are my teren."

  "A what?" I asked him.

  I was still incredibly bothered by a lot that was happening and all I wanted to do was just curl into a small ball and place my hands over my ears but if this man was going to be taking me somewhere then I would really need all the details I could get. He didn't seem to be even a fraction as cruel as the others, but that wasn't the only assurance that I needed. I needed to know exactly what he was going to do.

  He says nothing as he presses a button his suit and I watched as all the plates of armor begin to compile in one disk that hangs from his back. I glanced at him as he stands there in front of me with his body tensed, he was only wearing a pair of shorts now and I could see every bit of muscle

  Every. Inch.

  God he was incredible. Instantly it seems like every other thought left my mind except for the ones regarding him. He was rippling with muscle, the veins on his arms were bulging and those red eyes of his were glowing shining brightly as he glances me over. Atop his head were two black horns on a bed of black hair, his claws sheathed and I eyed the scars across his chest and his legs. It looked like he's been in far too many battles to count.

  Just who was he?

  "Um." I muttered as he stands there with his hands on his side, "It got uncomfortable." He stated.

  Alright so that was a good enough answer I guess, if we were truly safe on this mountain then I suppose I could believe him.

  "So what is a teren?" I asked him.

  He pauses, "A mating partner." He answers soon after and my eyes widened.

  What the hell was he even talking about? A mating partner? What was that?

  I admit that the idea of running off with him now that I have seen his entire body wasn't all bad. The man was incredibly handsome, now that I thought about it. When I eyed those red eyes of his this overwhelming urge to just...take him, overcame me. God I could feel the heat increasing in between my legs already, this pulsating heat that was consuming me was causing me to actually get wet for him. I had no idea what was happening, but I knew that I wanted it, physically at least.

  Mentally it was a much different story and I wasn't entirely sure how I would go about it.

  " what am I supposed to do in" I asked him with a great deal of uncertainty and unease dripping off of my voice.

  For all I know he could have been taking me as a sex slave as well. Judging by his anatomy, it wouldn't be a stretch to conclude that he was compatible with my judging by how he looked, the likelihood of it was low but since he had told me that this was a "mating" partnership I was still...what the hell did he even mean? Did his species have the same meaning for mating as mine did?

  He answers rather quickly. "You shall have my children." And he paused for a moment before continuing, "And we shall be spending the rest of our lives together, I am dedicated to both your happiness and your satisfaction...if you so choose." He remarked.

  "I um...I guess I don't have much of a choice do I?" I muttered.

  He glances up at me with this need in his eyes that seemingly came out of nowhere, "I need you to return to Delos with me, to start my species again. We are few in number and with you...I have a hope of finding some sort of family again, some place to call my own." He remarked.

  That sadness that was in his voice and in his body language made me frown. There was so much...suffering in that heart it would seem. I wanted to accept his offer, hell he was the best looking man that I have ever seen and to turn him down considering my previous luck with men would be foolish of me. I was never the prettiest, I always had these damn curves and was turned down because of them but with him here in front of me there was a chance that I didn't have to put up with any of that anymore. There was a chance that I could with someone.

  But the thought at the front of my mind at this point quickly became Karo and his men.

  I wanted revenge for what they had done, a strong rage was brewing in my heart and I wanted it more than anything. I wanted to see the bastard beg, to see him on his jeans while his hands stretched out in a sign of deference. I needed to see him suffer for all that he had done. I knew that it was something that I would need to do before I left this planet.

  And part of it was because I felt guilty as well.

  I had come here under the assumption that it would be a rather trivial task to simply be here and to volunteer at a hospital. It might be a good opportunity to rack up some volunteering hours as well as to simply help out some people, the main reason I left, however, was to merely have some excitement. I never understood the gravity of the suffering here, the sheer pain of it all and for that I had slighted whatever suffering the people down here might have had.

  And with my arrival came all of my naïve misconceptions on about how this was all run.

  It was because I ran that Sheila died. It was because I ran that the entire place burned down and I needed to...rectify that, I needed to make this right in my mind and vindicate myself by killing this man. That was the only way that any sort of peace would be found in this sort of scenario, I knew that it was the only way.

  "When are we leaving?" I asked him, hoping that he might stay here, that I might still be here so that we could take him down.

  "Right now." He remarked.

  And with that my nostrils flared and I got to my feet. I glared at him and shook my head as he glanced me over with confusion spreading across his face.

  "I can't. Not without killing Karo first." I stated and he grew even more confused upon the mention of the name so I sighed and started explaining the entire situation, "I came here about
a month ago. I don't know if you know how long that is but...that was when I got here. I worked at the hospital that was burned down and we were constantly harassed by this bandit lord...Karo. That's who he is. Our security couldn't do anything and the governments didn't care about what happened here so he kept on coming day, I guess his men just snapped and sent those people that were kidnapping me earlier. I didn't want to go with them so that's why they burned the entire place down. It's all Karo's fault! It's his fault that all those people died! That Sheila died! I need to stay here and make it right! I need to avenge them!"

  And he didn't seem to really like my answer.

  "No." was all that he said.

  I glared at him and perched up to slap my hands into his chest, "What do you mean no? You think that you can just come and take me away like it's nothing? Are you mad?" I asked him while pounding my fists into his chest.

  "Parak. Enough of this." He muttered and grabbed me but before he could tighten his grip I broke free and stood at the cliff's edge. I glared at him and motioned towards the drop as he stands there with his eyes locked with mine. There was a bit of fear there but even more so was this annoyance, this perturbed nature that was about him.

  "I will jump." I remarked, "You told me that I'm important for your race right. Well, either we stay here or I end it all right now. Either we stay here or I will never willingly mate with you and you can be damn sure that I won't comply with whatever you tell me to do."

  He pauses for a moment before his eyes narrow. In that instant, he moved faster than I could even process. Somehow he had covered the distance before I could even react and he had grabbed me, and pinned me down on the floor near the ship. I didn't even see him, he was more like a blur.

  Delosian huh? I suppose that they were something special judging by how he was.

  I didn't want to be so rude to him. After all, he had just saved me from a terrible fate and was offering me an opportunity for a much better life but this was something that I just needed to do. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I was the sole survivor and that I did nothing to help those that were still stuck here. I needed to stay here and help, it was the only thing on my mind at the moment and I know that he would refuse so I did what I did. No way was he going to risk me in battle if I was the last hope of his race, or so he says. I felt a twinge of sympathy when I saw the fear in his eyes but it was the only way that I was going to convince him.

  "You risk your life needlessly." He snarled out.

  "Let me go." I spat out, this time there wasn't any desperation in my voice, only cold, hard determination when I glared at him. He seemingly got the message and eased his grasp.

  "You will need to be punished for your insolence." He muttered, pausing. I suppose that the translators were working at full capacity now judging by the sentences he was speaking. "I will not risk you in battle, that is final, and if you want to protest then you shall simply have to calm yourself. You are thinking irrationally."

  Excuse me? So he was really going to keep me up here despite what I was saying?

  He places me in his ship while I continued kicking and thrashing against him. I was trying my best to break out from his hold but he was so immensely strong that nothing that I did worked. He leads me down the small hallway of his ship and places me in a small room with a large mat on the floor and little else. The walls were constructed from this strong metal, there was nothing else in this room, that I could recognize anyways. There was this small sink to the side that I could use for water...I think it was water. I didn't know what Delosian used to clean themselves, hell humanity was so new on the galactic scene that I didn't even know about a lot of species but according to what he was saying they were close to extinct so it made sense that I wouldn't have a lot of info on him.

  What was he going to do now? Was he really going to keep me in the here and now that I just wasn't going to do what he said? He did know that I could still harm myself if he left me in here right...But I was just bluffing.

  In a way he was calling my bluff, daring me to do anything while he stepped out to investigate for the rest of the day. I would have no idea when he returned.

  I laid there on the mat and brushed my head against the fabric before sobbing. I let all of the emotional weight of the day fall onto me as I cried and groaned for hours on end. My entire body was shaking, my hands quivered and I slapped them against the mat as the memories of all that I have come to know, all the people that I have come to now, they all simply drifted to the forefront. I knew that this entire humanitarian disaster would have to end sometimes and I hoped that it would be soon.

  My fingers dig into the fabric and the cold metal wall glared back at me while I walked over to the sink to wash my hands. The fluid that comes out of it was purple in contrast to clear and I began to wonder what it was. When I touched it, it seemed like it had a bit of a sting to it, I began to wonder what was wrong with it before finding out that my hands now had a sweet smell to them and the dirt that was in the cracks of my skin was washing off rather easily....

  What was this? What was he? What was Delos anyways?

  I glanced around the room to see if there was something that was equivalent to a computer that I could use to find out any of this information. My phone was left back in the fires so I didn't have that to access the interplanetary web, so that wasn't an option. The only thing that I could do was just wait and rest which I suppose isn't all that bad, after all, I was tired from all of the excitement that had happened earlier today.

  I laid on the bed and sighed as my eyes began to flutter before they shut and I slowly drifted off into the void. It was a swell of heat and light when I was asleep, it all melded together into this large collage of emotions until I had finally woken up to the door opening. He was there and he was carrying a plate of food.

  I guess that this was my chance to really challenge his idea of keeping me here.

  Chapter Five


  She was sleeping when I had entered but had quickly sat back up soon after. It seemed that she was still on edge, it looked like she got plenty of rest though, that was good. With any luck, she might be a bit more receptive to the idea of staying here after all but I wasn't going to count on it. I knew that this would be a tiring process but it was for her own good, there was no way that she would be able to battle or do anything noteworthy against men of this sort of magnitude, against evil that was this severe.

  I made her a ration plate, I hoped that she would like it. It was far more food than she would need since I, a Delosian regularly ate these things but I hoped that she wouldn't mind it.

  I set it down in front of her along with mine, we would be eating on the floor like a traditional Delosian family and I motioned for her to sit with me. She takes her seat across from me and glances at the plate as I peeled my cover off. She didn't make any move to follow and I sighed.

  So that was how this entire thing was going to go, was it?

  I grabbed her plate and peeled the cover off, glancing down at the meal that was sitting down in front of her. It had a pronged stick in order to eat it as well as a spoon, it was one of the things that we shared with the humans, our utensils. I suppose that having hands like these made these tools rather ubiquitous in a way. I glanced at the meal in front of me and continued to shovel the meat, grains, and vegetables in my mouth. The stir fry was excellent, if only she would try it.

  "Are you going to eat?" I asked and she merely glanced at the dish in front of her with a great deal of enmity.

  "Not until you agree to let me go with you." she states with those cold eyes that I have come to hate, "I told you that I'm not going to follow your orders under any circumstance until you let me go with you."

  Okay, this was just getting incredibly frustrating at this point. I was tired of arguing with her, there was no need for her to come with me.

  I grabbed the utensil and heaved it up to her mouth and mot
ioned for her to open her mouth but she refused and merely kept it shut. I glared at her and hoped that she would just simply let go of this foolish idea that was in her head, this idea that she could actually do something against these people. It didn't seem like she was going to let up, it didn't even seem like she was going to take a bite...

  I had bet that she wasn't willing to harm herself but having her not eat could weaken her severely ...there was only one thing that could be done.

  I set my plate aside after I had finished it and grabbed her instead. I hoisted her up and placed her on her knees on the bed as she kicked and growled at me while I did so.

  "Let me go you jerk! I told you I'm not going to listen!" she cried out and I growled, "I tol-"

  "I know." I interrupted her, "Remember what I said about your punishment? Well, this is it." I remarked and placed her on her hands and knees before grabbing the fabric of her pants and dragging it down to reveal her ample buttocks. I glanced at her backside and that incredible hardness festered in between my legs in reaction. Stars, I could take her right now, I could claim her right here and now without any difficulty. How badly I wanted to just slip myself deep inside of her, how much I wanted to simply hold her and sink myself deep inside of her body but I knew better. I held myself back as I lifted my hand and brought it down against her backside.

  "Stop it you perv! What are you-OW!" she whimpered as my hand clashed against her flesh. The cheeks were turning red now and her entire face was flushed. I would have hoped that I taught her a lesson but she still seemed to be dedicated to simply protesting.

  "Fuck you." She growled out and I brought my hand down again.

  I don't know what that word meant, it was listed as an expletive. "Fuck", it had a sexual connotation as well and that made me a bit curious but I know that she didn't mean it that way.

  "I told you that I'm not going to listen no matter how much you spank me or punish me! I'm never going to stop trying to get the hell out of here!" she growled and I frowned before bringing my hand down once again. I run my palm against her backside and she shrieked as her eyes shut and her teeth grit. I could see it in her eyes, all the signs that she was getting aroused. I could smell it from her breeding slit that was already glistening in between her legs.