The Captive Mate Read online

Page 4

  "Well.....I suppose so. Some don't but in the ideal sense you would be together forever." I explained, he seemed so puzzled but withdrew his confused face, restoring the stoicism that i've come to expect from him.

  "Why did you ask?" I asked.

  "I was simply curious." he muttered, turning away slightly, I smiled at the idea that this rugged soldier would be interested in the concept of romance.

  We talk for a while longer and he leaves the bathroom to give me a chance to clean up. I stepped inside the tub and turned on the water, it seemed like hotels were the same here, as strange as that was. The water runs out and dashed over my skin, I looked around to see if there was any soap but there was none, all there was, was this....purple water?

  "Why is it purple?" I asked myself.

  I begin to freak out and lunge against the back of the shower, trying to keep the water from hitting me but he runs inside. He rushed inside and saw me huddled with the shower curtain barely covering my privates. I glance at his crotch and his abs, I lick my lips as I imagine the kind of size he was hiding under there before he snapped me out of it.

  "What happened?" he asked, his muscles tightening, he looked like a greek god, a greek god with red eyes and blue skin that could level me with simply a touch.

  "The water! It's purple!" I shouted.

  "You don't have cleansing water back home?" he asked me.

  "What? No we use soap!" I said.

  "It's meant to clean you, just stay under it and all the muck should go away. We don't have....soap." he muttered and walked out the door, blushing a bit.

  "How strange." I remarked, standing back under the water and letting the cool feeling run over my back and my face.

  Soon I begin to feel the dirt fading away.

  It washed over my face and my back, cleaning all of the muck and grime away while I groaned softly. I can feel myself shivering, I could feel the effect of the water as strange as it was. My pores began to get cleaned out, pores that were dirty even back on Earth but that were now being washed with no effort from this liquid. I calm my breathing and steady my gaze as I feel the fluid run over my hair. Every inch of me scrubbed clean, my body now completely cured of any dirt and grime that may have befallen it moments earlier. I turn off the water and let out a sigh, I felt so light.

  And then my thoughts returned to him.

  "Oh god he saw me naked." I said to myself, blushing.

  I kept thinking back to that thick abdomen and those muscles. I kept thinking back to the way he would feel inside of me with that thick size, how he would hold onto my curves and fill me over and over again. I thought to his strong arms holding me in place while he filled me again and again, how his thick alien cock would be. It must have been 12 inches, it must have been massive, much larger than human members if his height was any indicator. I nearly rolled at the thought of feeling all of the scars on his chest and his back, a man that was built for war finally being tamed by me.

  I had to stifle a giggle.

  I stand in front of the mirror and sighed, I looked so....wonderful. It was such a drastic change from when I was imprisoned that I nearly jumped back thinking that it was some sort of elaborate illusion. It wasn't, it wasn't at all. I still frowned at my curves though, something that would always haunt me no matter how many of these showers I took. He didn't seem to mind all that much though, he seems to like me just fine the way I was.

  "...Does he?" I asked myself.

  The way he gazed at me, the way the light of his eyes fell on me when he gazed at me and smiled. The way he held me and comforted me, it all indicated a feeling that ran far deeper than simple professionalism. Perhaps he was just a kind man? But something tingly inside, the same feeling that flowers get in spring and the same song that bird sing when the sun shines brightly above, the feeling that of wind on my cheek and sweetness in the air. I made sure I looked prim and proper in the mirror, it already was a drastic improvement but I knew I had to look sharp if I was to impress. He looked to be a man of discerning tastes despite his background as a soldier of fortune.

  "Alright, nice." I said.

  My bosom pressed up against the towel, the blond hair dashes over my cheeks and my forehead while I sighed gently. I smiled at myself half-heartedly, I let my teeth beam as I heard the men bickering outside. I ignored it and run a finger over my skin, smooth, smooth as can be. I could put a newborn to shame with how good I felt. That cleansing water was so very refreshing, so wonderful.

  "Alright....oh dammit I don't have clothes do I?" I asked myself and knocked on the door. Osorn answers and shot me that stern look but that momentary weakness was still apparent in his eyes.

  "Yes?" he asked.

  " get me some clothes?" I asked him and his eyes flashed.

  "Oh right, I probably should....I don't really know what humans wear though so I hope you won't mind what I pick out for you." he said in a shocked voice if we were going to be hiding out we might as well put on different clothes.

  "Alright, it's alright, i'll wait here." I said.

  I wait for several minutes in the bathroom, I can hear his friend groaning in the back, he was in immense pain from the shrapnel that had just been dragged out of his torso. I did suspect that the med-gel did help immensely with that though, we had no such thing on Earth. I'm glad I didn't make a bad first impression, I suppose time in the prison weaned me off the shock of meeting alien species.

  "Well then, I suppose this is as good as it's going to get." Osorn said and handed me a bag.

  "Thank you...." I said, I just realized that I should have told him what human clothes were exactly but he seemed to have a good idea. Most aliens were bipedal and had the same structure as us so it shouldn't be too bad.

  And it wasn't.

  I pull out a flowing red dress shirt and black slacks along with the proper undergarments. I smiled to myself, he had good taste for being such a brute, I had to give him that at least. I grip the fabric and slip it on carefully, panting as the smooth cloth dashes over my arms and legs. I sigh gently as some semblance of normalcy returned to me, I walk out to see him in a black t-shirt and something akin to grey cargo pants. He wore tan combat boots while his friend was still in his battle armor, half asleep with the wound festering.

  "You look....wonderful." he said, somewhat shocked with himself that he actually put something on me that looked halfway close to decent.

  "You have good taste." I said.

  "Well.....I suppose we should discuss the situation now. Do you have any idea why they're after you? Did the guards in the prison mention anything fishy? Was there something strange about your past?" he asked and I shook my head.

  "No, nothing like that at all. All I know was they captured me for no good reason at all and now i'm stuck here." I said.

  "Hmmmm....maybe i'll have to investigate further. In the meantime you should rest here, i'll be back with supplies, once he wakes up I can formulate our next move." he said and got to his feet.

  "Wait!" i said before he walked towards the door.

  "What is it?" he asked me.

  "....Can I come with you? I don't want to be holed up in here." I admitted, he sighed and grabbed a tunic from the bag that he brought back with the clothes.

  "Wear this, keep your head down." he said and I nodded.

  "Yes sir." I said.

  We step out into the center courtyard of the hotel. There was loud music playing next door and men of various species sat on the steps to play their card games. I follow him closely, this hotel was an open courtyard, shaped like a range of rooms with one opening to let people come and go as they please. I walked outside with him into the crowds, he grabbed my hand and dragged me along, all I could see were colorful faces, many unhappy, some friendly, some angry.

  "Where are we going to go?" I asked him.

  "The market." he said and took me into this large tent.

  We spend a good hour browsing and bu
ying some supplies before we find ourselves at the food carts. We walk around inside the tent, an assortment of tables and shopkeepers pave our way before he finds the one he's looking for. He slaps some change down on the table and claims a bag of strange delicacies. They were these wooden boxes of food with timers on them.

  I did as he said and kept my head down but I still saw so much I still saw the assortment of life and the different people that lived on this city. It was wondrous to have such a wide palette of species and different cultures meshing together, almost like NYC on steroids. The culture shock was incredible, there was the constant smell of incense in the air but also the smell of rotting flesh. I stole a glance upwards as we were walking back, gazing at the sky and seeing a grand tower in the distance, I wondered who it could have belonged to.

  "So take your pick." he said, laying three trays of food in front of me.

  "What's the timers on them for?" I asked.

  "That's to release the bacteria so they can biodegrade the wood." he explained.

  "So what's this one in the middle?" I asked, it almost looked like thin noodles with some chunks of chicken, there was an assortment of colorful vegetables in it.

  "Oh that's Huarda, a meat and grain dish we eat here. It's good." he said.

  "Alright, well i'll take it." I said.

  "What about you Kagi?" he called out but apparently his friend was still asleep, either that or in mourning.

  He sits with me and begin to eat quietly...and quickly. I looked up from my plate after a few moments and see that he has nearly cleared his dish off. I raise an eyebrow and he shrugged while I munched on my food, it tasted good, more than good. It was incredible.

  "This is really good." I said.

  "Yeah? I'm glad you like it. I've never been to Earth so I have no idea what's done there." he said and I nodded.

  "Well i'm glad you me you know?" I said.

  "Got you?" he asked.

  "Understood me." I clarified.

  I try to find things to talk about and get to the realization that I haven't asked that much about him yet. I look up and he was only munching and staring at the wall, apparently he was deep in thought to think of a way out of this mess so I brought up his past. He looked a bit shocked when I asked him:

  "Did you want to be a soldier? What did you do before?" I asked, he blinked a couple of times.

  "I don't think I understand your question....did I want to be a soldier?" he asked.

  "Yeah did you?" i asked him and he shrugged.

  "I'm not entirely sure......I suppose I was good at it and that's enough of a reason for me." he said.

  "Are all Jzarians warriors? Surely not." I said to him.

  "Yes but a minority stay home and run the administrative side of things, but i'm afraid that we're the majority. My men and I....we wanted something a bit better than the standard life we had back home. We wanted hope, a way out of the slums that we were living in." he said.

  "And you would never find someone? Start a family?" I asked.

  "A mate?" he asked and I nodded.

  "Well I don't know.....I never really thought about it. I'm not exceptionally old for my species so I didn't give much credence to the idea that I would need to find a woman.....I just wanted to make my living, a fortune if i'm lucky, there wasn't much hope in domestic life." he said.

  "A living?" I asked and he frowned while swallowing a large bite of his food.

  "We weren't getting paid that much so I signed on to work for this bastard but if things were different....I would have liked to had set up a legitimate business instead of working for crime lords." he said, he does that same pawing motion and gripped his neck where a spot glowed. The white light fluttered off and he could tell that I noticed it

  "What's that glow on your neck? Why do you keep pawing at it?" I asked him, pointing at that spot on the side of his neck. He glanced at it and frowned, scowling and glaring at me. I thought I had said something wrong but his eyes flashed with a ray of sympathy.

  "It's fine, it's not your fault, it's my....oh I might as well tell you. It's my mating gland going's supposed to tell me when my mate is nearby and interacting with me and well I guess this time that's you." he said and I instantly blushed.

  "Oh.....really? I never thought that a human and a-" I began but he cut me off.

  "It's not natural if that's what you're wondering. I don't really know what to do about it to be honest, it's kind of annoying but I think the feeling will pass." he said.

  "Are you attracted to me?" I asked him.

  "What? What kind of question is that to just blurt out?.... I suppose I am a bit. What? Do you feel the same?" he asked me.

  "I do, I have since i've met you. I just feel this strange connection to you that can't really be described all that well. I'm not so sure what it is, it's like love but's something else." I said.

  "So I guess there is more to this mating signal than I would have thought. There's only one way to relieve us of this I suppose." he said and gripped my wrist.

  "What are you doing?" I asked him before he pressed his lips against mine.

  I melded in his arms.

  "We're going to have to relieve ourselves of lustful sickness. I must claim you, only then may this feeling, this cloud over our eyes, be alleviated." he said.

  "Well i'm not going to complain about some fun." I said with a grin as he pushed me into the bathroom.

  He pressed me up against the counter and runs his lips against mine, I feel his tongue rubbing mine while I groaned into his mouth. His cock hardened and rubbed my thigh, the tip of his member swelling while he dashes it over my thighs and I whimpered gently. I can feel him running his hands over my sides and my breasts, he contorted the shape of my mounds and rubbed my nipples through the thin fabric of the dress. He removes it soon after and kissed me a couple more times, the feeling of his warm blue lips against mine was exquisite. I can feel his tongue dashing over mine while I groaned into his mouth louder and louder. I feel his hands rubbing my mounds, his hands pressed up against my tits and molding the shape over and over again, pulling on the mounds while I groaned softly.

  "Oh god, please, please." I whimper.

  "Fuck yes you love it. You love the way I feel human. Tell me." he said.

  "I do, I love the way you feel." I groaned.

  He was so much larger than I.

  He stood at nearly 7 feet tall and held me down, I could do nothing against him even if I wanted to and I definitely wanted to surrender to him this time. I run my tongue against his as he moaned gently into my lips. I feel his fangs rubbing my lips as he continued to kiss me while I spread my legs unconsciously. He reaches down and rubbed my folds through the pants that I was wearing, he dashed his long fingers along my thighs and sniffed my hair. His red eyes glimmered as I looked into them, shining and glittering while I shuddered.

  "Oh god I love this body. This curvy body is so wondrous, so much flesh." he said, I wanted to burst into tears at the prospect that this incredibly handsome man appreciated my curves.

  His kisses continued as he kissed a path down to my breasts. He slipped his lips over my mounds and pulled on my nipples with his lips. He runs his tongue against my mounds and dashed the tip of his tongue over my nipples, biting and pulling gently while I stroked his rock hard muscle. I caressed every inch of rock hard muscle on his body and whimpered as he flexed, his muscles tensing as I feel him swell.

  "Oh fuck I want you, I want you so badly." I said.

  "Yes you do, you fucking want me. Tell me that you want me." he said.

  "I want you, I want you." I said.

  "Who do you belong to?" he asked.

  "You. I belong to you. I'm yours!" I moaned.

  I feel him continue to grope my tits and smack them with his lips. My curves shifted under his grasp, all of those curves bouncing and shaking while I moaned louder and louder. I can feel the heat increasing in
between my legs. He kisses a path down my torso to my crotch and licked his lips at the sight of the meal in front of him. It looked absolutely delicious, I’m sure.

  "Fuck you're so wet." he said and runs a finger across my folds, a single blue finger rushing over my folds while I groaned.

  "God I want it, I want it." I moaned.

  "Yes, yes, beg me." he said.

  "Please master, please." I said.

  He slipped his fingers over my folds and rubbed my clit gently several times while I shake for him. I quiver in at his touch while he slipped his tongue over my clit gently. I feel his fingers teasing me more and more, his blue skin barely sinking in and shining with my juices before he sunk all the way inside of me. I groaned and arched my back while he slipped one of his fingers inside of me. I could barely take it, my eyes were glued to his crotch, I wanted to see what was under that ragged mess of cloth.

  "Show me, please show me." I said.

  "Yes you want it girl, beg me to show you this ample cock." he said.

  "Please master!" I cried out for him.

  "More, more, I love hearing you beg me." he said.

  "Please!" I cried.

  He smiles and slipped his tongue over my folds faster and faster, I feel him spreading my folds out as he sunk another finger inside of me. He completely stretched me out with three of his long, blue fingers. His red eyes glowed in the dim fluorescent light, my gentle moans muffled by the constant music being played by gangs outside. The smell of incense and rust in the air in addition to the waft of the cleaning fluid that was poured on me.

  It was absolutely incredible.

  "Fuck fuck, oh god I want it, I want it!" I moaned.

  "I'll make you feel really good." he said and sunk his tongue inside of me.

  I feel him spreading me out as his tongue slipped inside, it dashed over my walls and rubbed my cervix while I whimper for him. I shut my eyes and my breasts bounced over and over again while the tip of his tongue darts over my walls. Somehow he found every nerve ending inside of me, he was able to attack every point of me, his knowledge of the human body was quite intimate.

  "Fuck yes, oh don't stop. Please don't stop!" I cried.