Alien's Prize Read online

Page 4

  I lift her above my shoulder and sighed as I dragged her back towards the ship, if she was going to be walking then she needed a stick at least for the moment anyway. I begin to shoot her the occasional glance and she begins to loudly growl and curse at me, there was a string of expletives that I didn't quite recognize at first, but the translator told me that they certainly weren't nice.

  "Fucking let go of me! I need to go back and help them! I need to call mission control and let them know that we're in danger!" she shouted.

  As if the humans could put up a fight if she contacted them.

  "You are staying with me and that is final, I don't want to hear any more protests from you. Not until we get that leg healed." I muttered to myself, the burns on her thighs were stable, but they would need further attention by the instruments I had on my ship. This was no way to live.

  I grimaced as she began to beat on my back with her hands, smacking the plate of armor while I carried her on. The blows did little to no damage of course, but that didn't stop her from trying to pound them into my back. I scowled as she continued to rain down her fists on the plate of armor while I sighed, the beating on my back grew annoying along with her frequent demands of "Let me go."

  "Just calm down Jino. Just calm down." I muttered to myself while she continued her rant.

  "Do you know anything about those things that attacked my base? It doesn't look like you're with them so how about we work together? My friends are in danger! I know that you can't understand me, but please! You need me alive for some reason, but I swear that I won't come with you if you don't help me! Ok? Please just take me back! There might be something that I can do to still save them or at least get revenge!"

  That's it. I was sick and tired of this.

  I glanced over at her once before dragging her towards a nearby cave and laying her in the sand. I pin her down and begin to snarl in an attempt to calm her down. My visor slipped back and my face is revealed as I hold her wrists in place as she struggled for a moment until I began to growl and bore into her eyes with mine. She seems to freeze at the sight.

  "What are you?" she asked in shock, her voice low and quiet while I detected that scent once again. The overwhelming arousal that was coming off of her. It was absolutely infectious, I wanted to savor it, to taste it.

  I rub my thighs against her's in an attempt to steady myself on top of her and she lets out a low moan that I immediately interpreted as pleasurable. I run my fingers along the curve of her breasts and she lets out another moan, by her physical actions I could tell that she was indeed receptive, she did indeed want part of me.

  "What is happening to me? Why am I feeling so...warm?" she asked and then paused before rubbing my hand, "Why am I so...attracted?"

  I leaned in and planted a kiss on her neck and she gasped loudly before I run my hands over her suit and quickly fumbled with all the straps to get it off. It seems that the activity of our mating bond has driven us both into a lustful frenzy that wasn't so easily escaped. I glanced over her and heard her moan more while I continued to whip my fingers over her breasts, groping them through the fabric before the suit peeled back to reveal those gorgeous mounds and her luscious curves. I licked my lips and she quivered with excitement beneath me while my blue eyes clashed with her's. Her touch was like electricity, I soon learned that when I released my armor and let it all compile back into a single plate on my back before falling to the dirt floor of the cavern. I plant another kiss on her neck before her arms slipped out of that suit that she was wearing, for a moment she seemed to regain some amount of composure.

  "What am I doing? Get o-Ohhh god..." she whimpered as I pinched her nipple and toyed with it using my fingers. It would seem her protests were short-lived.

  She pauses for a moment while I continued to toy with her breasts before kissing them and placing my mouth around her nipple. She was moaning incoherently now, I knew that she was submitting, that she was now mine and that I have claimed her.

  "Stop this! No this is wrong! I can't be subject to this! I have more important things to do and I can't be having sex with an-" she began to ramble on, pushing me away. I obey the force of her hand, but drew my own hand back before clasping it against the backside, rather roughly I might add.

  She squeaks in response to my action and I detect that the signals of arousal coming off of her were only increasing in intensity as I whipped and lashed my hand across her backside.

  "Stop it you jerk!" she protested again with a flushed face before I brought my hand down once again, I wanted to taste the source of that arousal so badly, I wanted to savor it and yet I knew that I needed to wait, to be patient, to bide my time and watch her crumble beneath me.

  "Ah!" she cried out with another spank, but it still seems as if she had some leftover frustration, but it was quickly dissipating.

  "Do you obey?" I asked after a while before realizing that she couldn't understand me, so I merely gestured to my head and nodded as if we had an understanding.

  She glances at me and nodded dumbly, "Yes sir." she began and I smiled before drawing my hand back and giving her one last slap.

  "That was for disobeying me. I will need to bend you to my will if you are to be mine." I concluded before re-engaging.

  My lips wrapped around her mounds and began to pucker and pull at the flesh while she cried out. My rough tongue danced in circles around her nipples and I growled into her before I kissed a path towards her crotch. I peeled back the suit and watched as those glistening folds appeared, she was a bit shy about the whole thing so her knees slapped together before I gripped them and gazed at her before nodding my head once again.

  "Obey..." I muttered and she nodded before spreading her legs.

  She seems to pout and shook her head, "I don't know what the hell is happening, but it's way too good to stop. I don't want you to stop, keep on going, please."

  I slipped my finger over that glistening slit in between her legs and heard her moan for me while I continued to lash my tongue over it again and again. I feel her quivering against my grasp while I pawed at her slit before I spotted this throbbing pink nub near the top of her genitalia. I glanced at it curiously and rubbed it gently using my thumb while she shrieked out in pleasure. Her back arched and she let out a small squeak while I looked back at her and raised an eyebrow.

  It would seem that this was a spot of pleasure.

  "Oh please, more. Touch it again, that felt so fucking good." she groaned before I slipped my finger over the spot once again.

  I continued to do so as I watched her twitch underneath me. My tongue slipped out of the space in between my lips and I leaned in to slip my tongue over her wet slit. It would seem that this fluid was a sign of arousal as the more I touched that nub and heard her moan, the more juice appeared. The smell was addicting, it seemed to be incredibly sweet and I simply wanted to taste more of it, I wanted to savor it so I leaned in for a quick lick

  My tongue traveled from the bottom of her folds to the top. I ended my trail with a small flick of that nub with the tip of my tongue as the sweetness embedded itself on my tongue.

  "Oh god!" she shouts.

  I smiled at her and continued to lick her there, kissing that nub and her glistening folds at times to break up the monotony before I spread her folds with my fingers and slipped myself into her completely. My tongue squirmed inside of her and I heard her moaning powerfully as I grasp her thighs with my hands and held her in place. My tongue sinks deep inside of her and begins to squirm, the tip of it was searching for a spot that would make her bend to me, that would make her moan as loudly as possible and I found it when I grazed a spot near the top of her walls with the tip of my tongue.

  This caused her to nearly explode.

  "Holy shit!" she moaned as her legs wrapped around me. The force of her thighs pressing against my hands was a bit more than I expected, but I quickly regained my composure and continued to whip my tongue over that spot
while my fingers danced over that nub of flesh that caused her to moan to an insane degree.

  It actually began to work because a short while later, only a few moments later, in fact, I could feel her walls clenching around my tongue as I slipped all the way in and whipped my tongue over that spot. Her hands run through my hair and rubbed my horns as the heat begins to gush out of her.

  "Ah!" she cried out as her juices flooded out onto my tongue. I could feel her pulsing while the heat and the sweetness dripped onto my lips in an incredible amount. I whimpered as I licked my lips in approval, glancing at her while she laid there, quivering before I fumbled with the straps of her suit and slipped it back over her bare body.

  She seems to appreciate that gesture, at least, for she smiled at my attempts and helped me slip it back on before her mind registers what we have just done.

  And once it does the reaction is actually quite amusing.

  She glanced at me in disbelief after a few moments before leaning back and backing away. I merely glanced over her while she gets to her feet and pants, shaking her head.

  "Tell me that I just did not do that...I let an alien stick his...oh god what about germs? What about diseases? What the hell were you thinking girl?" She shouts to herself while her hands quivered.

  I had already made sure to inject her with immune boosters with some vaccines that I had on me in case I need to capture anyone so that I could render them immune to any afflictions that I may have brought with me. She was safe, but apparently, she didn't realize this because she kept on freaking out.

  This was going to be a challenge bringing her back. I knew that there was only one day of this left, but I couldn't help, but panic over the mess that was laid bare in front of me

  I grabbed her hand and dragged her along. She tried to resist me, but eventually followed, she muttered something about it being "against her better judgment" so I sighed and continued to tug her along. Her leg was still limping so I hoisted her above my shoulder after we got out of the cave, much to her displeasure. I would simply have to bear with her complaints for the moment, this was for a good cause, the survival of the Delosian people, namely.

  There was no time to waste, the sooner I got a translator on her, the better, although this game was getting a bit tiresome so I decided to simply let her down beside a tree that I had found in the distance. I peeled off a branch that looked like it could be used as a walking stick and handed it to her. She raised an eyebrow at me while she attempted to stand against the tree and I sighed before making the motion of using it as a cane of some kind to support her

  She quickly got the idea.

  "Oh right...thanks." she muttered.

  We were currently in something akin to the flood plains here. The sand here was moist and almost muddy at points so it wasn't entirely stable. There were also rivers at certain intervals so she would have to contend with that, but I suppose that I could simply carry her. She seems to be eager to get back on her feet and it certainly would help her get some blood flow in that leg so I allowed it. We might have ran a bit faster if I carried her, but that would mean that I would have to put up with the fact that she would be screaming at me the entire way.

  So to meki with that.

  I hold her up and let her walk around for a bit with the stick until it's clear that she'll be alright with it. Her steps were a bit tentative at first, but she quickly grows more accustomed to it and simply trails me as we stepped forward. She turns at the last moment and looked at the places we once were and glances back at me, I immediately understood what she meant.

  "You want to go back, but if you go with me I can heal that leg of yours. I can help you." I suggested to her and pointed at my leg, motioning towards it before she finally understood what I was trying to say to her.

  "You can heal me? Can you understand me?" she asked, I was waiting for her to ask those damn questions since I met her and it seems like she had only just got it at this moment so I nodded very slowly. From what I understood about humans on the little data that was supplied, it seemed like this was a sign of affirmation so I nodded in the hope that she would recognize that I was not the enemy here.

  And it worked, she immediately smiled and nodded before grasping the stick a bit tighter and following me.

  We only go a short while before the questions began. Since she knew that I could understand her it seems like she was a bit more eager to get some answers out of me, but the one question that I wanted her to ask appears out of the blue.

  "What's your name?"

  I glanced at her for a short while before muttering it, "Jino."

  She glances me over before nodding, the sound was simple enough so it seemed like she could understand it.

  "Ji-noh." she drawled.

  I pointed at her soon after, it took her a bit to understand.

  “My name?” she asks.

  I nod.


  I give her a short nod in a show of understanding. The name, Miriam, was incredibly lovely especially when it came from her lips. I longed to call her my teren, but I’m afraid without a translator it will just come out muddled. I gazed out on the horizon and listened in to see if anyone was coming after us and it seemed like we were going to be okay for the moment.

  Thank the stars, I don't want to put up with anything else at the moment considering the emotional duress that we were already in at the time.

  The pace that we were keeping was rather slow and she begins to regain some feeling in her leg and trekked along rather rapidly alongside me. I would glance at her occasionally to see if it would be a struggle for her to continue with me, but it looked like she was going to be alright after all and I smiled in gratitude. At least she was going to be okay during this struggle, that was a relief to know that she wasn't going to be tripping over her own legs at every moment that we had.

  "So who attacked me? Who are they?" she asked aloud and I pondered whether I should tell her the whole story or just the name. Well, she could just understand the name, basically, so I went with that.


  She nodded in understanding before repeating it to me "Melphians." I nodded as she drawled out the word once again before we continued. The ship was close and the walls were approaching so her questions continued, but I think she knew that I could only give her one-word answers so the questions weren't all that complex. It was more like, "Have you met humans before?", "Where are you from?"

  And then she asked it.

  "Are my friends...are they okay?"

  I glanced her over and was unable to shake or nod my head to confirm or deny her question so I merely stayed still.

  "Are they?"

  I think she took my silence as a sign that I was unsure so her eyes became downcast rather quickly. Tomorrow morning we would reach the ship and I would give her all the answers that she wanted, but for now, we were stuck here with one person who could understand what the other was saying and another that couldn't.

  All I could do was watch as tears began to slowly drip down her face.

  "Why? Why did they attack us? What did we have that they wanted? God this is all so..." she began, but quickly steeled herself. I had to remind myself that she was a scientist, a civilian in many ways and that meant that she couldn't be expected to possess the same mental fortitude that many of the troops that I often worked with did.

  So she merely sighs after a while and shakes her head in denial before returning her attention to me.

  "Will you help me stop them?" she asked and the answer was rather obvious to me, considering the fact that they were my enemy and it was my job to kill all of them.

  I nodded.

  Chapter Six


  Night falls, the first night in a while that i've actually experienced considering the fact that I was passing in and out of consciousness up until yesterday.

  The day and night cycle on the planet was a bit shorter than
Earth's, it lasted about 18 hours instead of 24 so that was the biggest difference there were also two moons here so the night sky was decorated quite well. The once golden sky of this planet had turned black and I turned my attention to the heavens as I laid there with my cane at my side and Jino at another. I felt a strange comfort when in his presence and I wasn't quite sure what this was, but I simply presumed that it was the attachment I had towards the man that had saved me, not to mention the fact that he was extremely...attractive.

  But that's beside the point.

  I thought of what my compatriots were going through at the moment, if what he said was true...well less like said and hinted, I suppose that there was a chance that they were all dead at this point, but I had to make sure. I had to go back and make sure everyone was still alright dammit, I couldn't be stuck here for long and once he brought me back to that ship I would be heading back. He had already granted me his help in saving them so I knew that I would at least have an ally in this mess so I actually had a fighting chance now.

  I couldn't ask him that much considering the fact that I couldn't understand him.

  I glanced over my hands while the sands battered my feet, the winds were picking up and I glanced over the trees in the distance as they swayed. Being near the floodplains meant that there was plenty of foliage to be had. The trees sway over and over again and I leaned against the entrance of the cave while he nestled against the other side. I looked over at him occasionally to see him merely glancing back at me. His eyes were so enthralling, they were a shade of electricity that was just absolutely captivating.

  He is truly something special and that brought me to my next train of thought.

  Just what the hell had happened this morning?

  "Merakma." he stated and I glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow, but he merely shook his head and sighed.

  I suppose that it was useless to attempt to communicate huh? Unless he had something that I didn't, considering the fact that he could somehow understand me. Did he have a translator or something like that? That would certainly make this a lot easier to deal with.