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Alien's Prize Page 5

  I glanced over the stick that was laid beside me while I quickly thought of what I did earlier today. He had taken me to a cave and ...pleasured me. The feeling of his hands on my body just felt so right, the feeling of him whipping his fingers over my curves was absolutely incredible and I immediately succumbed to him when he grabbed me. I didn't know what did it, but seeing him on top of me and feeling his leg grind against mine was just...astoundingly nice. I didn't know what it was. I didn't quite understand what it all meant, but I knew that I had wanted more.

  I was actually curious about that bulge in his pants for instance. Ever since I had seen him I wondered what laid under that plate of grey armor in between his legs.

  I would grab him and stroke him. How would it feel to run my finger along his slick tip as his seed filled his shaft? I wondered how big he was and how much seed he had, judging by the size of him already I would assume that he was definitely *ahem* gifted.

  What the hell was I even talking about? This was a stranger, some strange alien and he might have been unsafe to touch in such a way. I was already taking a risk by letting him sink his tongue into me and I couldn't really ask him why I was so important or if he had given me a vaccine or immune booster.

  So there was nothing that I could do, the only thing that I could do was wait and pray that I didn't catch some strange disease from our close contact.

  The idea of him doing that to me again was absolutely enthralling. That was probably the most powerful orgasm that I've ever had, the feeling of his tongue squirming inside of me was absolutely astounding and I savored every moment of it. The feeling of him thrusting into my walls over and over again was something special and I wanted to feel more of it. I wanted more of it, I wanted to feel his tongue sink deeper and to feel him stuff that package in between his legs into me. What was making my mind so perverted? Why was I thinking of this? What the hell was wrong with me at the moment?

  I didn't even really know, but that special lust that consumed me at the moment was enough to make me want more. It was as if he was the only man that I have ever seen, the greatest man that I have ever seen...he was it, the pinnacle of male beauty and he could twist my physical attraction to him in any way that he wanted.

  That was enough of those sorts of thoughts today, however. I shut my eyes and tried to will myself asleep and slowly, but surely my eyes faded until I opened them once again and saw him kneeling there in front of me. I glanced at him and twitched, part of me was concerned that I would be consumed by that overwhelming feeling of physical attraction once again, but to feel his touch was just something special.

  He backs away rather quickly and I glanced up at him as he stared back blankly. His armor was off and he was nude for the most part with exception to the shorts that were on him. I glanced at the bulge in between his pants and quickly croaked out, "What is it?"

  He didn't respond so I merely sighed and leaned back in.

  I wanted to taste it, I was so curious and so addicted to his scent. I wanted to taste him so badly, I just wanted a little peek of it is all, just to get an idea of how big it was.

  He seemed to be receptive to me leaning in, but got to his feet nonetheless. I furrowed my brow and unconsciously pouted while he looked on with a questioning gaze.

  "Jeep mak ma?"

  I pointed at his crotch and a surprised look came over his face, I didn't even really know what I was doing, it was as if my body was almost moving on its own, but a part of my mind wanted it as well, half of me wanted this small curiosity satiated

  He seemed to allow me the pleasure as he sets his hands to the side as I leaned in and dragged the buckle of his pants away. Why were we even doing this in the middle of the night? Apparently both of our urges acted up and we both needed to get this small curiosity satisfied, yes that was the explanation that I would go with, otherwise, the only way that I could explain this would be some strange attraction that was forming and somewhat strange, but it was real. I touched him and felt those muscles swell under me as I licked my lips at the sight of him.

  He was far larger than any man that I have ever seen. His manhood was absolutely engorged with blood and seed. His tip was already dripping with excitement and I licked my lips as I gazed at him over in a show of desire. I wanted to taste so much more of him.

  I leaned in and whipped my tongue along the underside of his member once while he throbbed for me. I feel the heat dripping from his tip and dropping onto my cheek immediately as I leaned in to stroke him. His testicles seemed to be far more...engorged than a human's, he also had four of them so I could only imagine the quantity of seed that he would be able to give me. I clicked my lips in approval as I run my tongue along the underside of his member once. He was throbbing wildly now and I could see the heat of his excitement running onto me.

  "It's like velvet on steel." I admired while my hands run over his member. My fingers danced along his shaft several times while I felt his balls swelling in my hands while I grasped him and continued to pump him. My hands run and rotate over the shaft several times while the slickness continued to gather on my palms while I stroked him.

  I run my fingers along the veins and the ridges on the base of his shaft as he continued to throb, his eyes shut as he continues to thrust into me. My fingers slide along every inch of him while I felt him swelling, his eyes shut and his teeth grit before he grabbed the back of my head and forced me forward. I willingly opened my mouth and accepted him, enough of this teasing, I just wanted him in my mouth.

  I feel him thrusting into me at a quick pace while his tip slides over my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I moaned for him while my tongue rolled around in circles on his cock. I could feel the seed swelling in his sack as it pressed against my chin. I was growing more and more aroused as he continued to thrust deeper and deeper, his shaft was twitching and throbbing with an immense degree of force as I grabbed his thighs and pulled him in. I wanted him to completely fill me with his seed, I wanted to taste it. The taste of his excitement that was already running onto my tongue was severely addicting and I only wanted to taste more of it, I only wanted to engorge myself using all of what was currently locked inside of him.

  With a loud roar, I felt my head rock back while he attempted to pull away, but stopped right when his tip was near the tip of my tongue. I cried out in shock as a massive gush of his seed splattered across my tongue and my mouth. My lips are absolutely slathered by the end of it and I was sure that the sudden rush of seed would be enough to overfill me on any day. This strange physical attraction to him was certainly new and I didn't know how to describe it, but I certainly liked it, I liked the feeling of being grabbed like this, of being filled. It was frankly addicting.

  "Oh my god..." I whimpered as the seed dropped off of my lips, I glanced up at him and swallowed what I could, the taste was incredibly sweet and addicting. I slathered my tongue with it before I finally asked him. "Why did we do that?"

  He can only stare at me blankly. Of course, the explanation was confusion. I would just attest it to him being horny since he couldn't exactly explain what happened or why he had woken me up. To be truthful, I didn't mind being woken up in such a manner.

  Chapter Seven


  It was somewhere around midday when we finally came back and I saw the ship sitting under the foliage where I had left it. A variety of underbrush and fallen branches were over it and I quickly scattered them away with my hand before deactivating the camouflage on the ship. Her face slowly brightened up as she appraised the ship and she whistled when it finally came into view

  "Holy shit." she remarked and I grinned, I suppose that it was quite strange for her to see something such as this. I had seen the human ships which were much bulkier and unwieldy. In comparison to mine, theirs were basically primitive attempts at space faring crafts, this was the pinnacle.

  I remember buying this ship after what was my 10th contract. Before that, I had to book
tickets and use the public transport between planets, when I finally received this it meant unprecedented freedom, and with it, the ability to go basically wherever I wanted. I rubbed the black hull of the ship as it sits there, glimmering as if it had been freshly painted. The most important thing I had to do, however, was to heal her and get the translator. I did both as I pressed a, button on my gantlet and let the back door open up. I walked inside and scoured the shelves with my hands in search of the translator which was the immediate goal at the moment. I brought out the tiny chip that I had laying around and beckoned her closer towards me. She walked up to me and allowed me to rub her neck although she was still fretting and rather nervous.

  "I'm not going to hurt you." I began before I placed the chip against her ear and allowed it to sink inside of her, "I just want to talk."

  She looked at me with widened eyes, her mouth slowly opening in shock as I looked at her and nodded. Translators were new to her and I could only imagine what it must have been like.

  "I can understand you!" she shouted in shock and I gave her an amused smile.

  "That's what it does." I responded before walking back inside to reach for the medical kit.

  It was lying near the cabinets and I dragged it out after a bit of a struggle and laid it out in front of her. I popped the metal box open with a press of a, button and quickly told her to strip down.

  "Oh right." she muttered while blushing before peeling the layers of clothing away. The fabric falls to the side as I stared at her bare body and willed myself not to touch her. I had to keep control, this was not the time to preoccupy myself with such foolish endeavors.

  I grabbed the syringes and the gels and quickly went to work. I started off with the disinfectant which I sprayed on her, the fluid caused her to writhe in pain, but that only lasted a moment before I began to apply the rest of the medication. I slather the gel onto her arms and her legs and she hisses as the pain courses through her body. The bandages were mostly tied up and the wounds were treated, she was in good shape all things considered as the tissues began to weave back into place until she was back to being in decent condition.

  She flicks her arms out after I injected them with a bit of mending fluid. Her leg was still a bit numb, but in a few moments it would be back to being stable. All that she had to do now was to rest for a short while before she could get back on her feet. I watched her with great interest as she sits there, sighing and glancing at me at various intervals while caressing her leg.

  I didn't know if she's quite there with all the medications that I gave her, namely a few more immune boosters that should protect her from any germs that I may be carrying from other worlds that I didn't account for when giving her the vaccine for my own micro biome.

  But her question is completely different than that.

  "So I suppose this is our introduction officially isn't it?" she asks with a raised eyebrow, I only nod.

  "Indeed it is Miriam." I begin slowly, her voice was as light as a feather, so gentle and flowing as if it was the waters of a gentle brook. I glanced at her bare body as she sipped the suit back on, I just wanted to pin her down right here and now and fill her...wait that was it! I had to confirm one more thing

  "One more thing." I muttered before grabbing a small scanner from the pile of supplies that I had in the back of the ship. It was in the form of this small tube with an opening at the top. I grabbed one of the swabs that I had with me and told her to open her mouth. She raised an eyebrow, but obliged as I dashed the swab over her inner cheek before slipping it back into the tube.

  Seconds later the reading came up, "Mating compatible!" it spoke.

  She visibly flinched at that, I suppose it was finally time to tell her what was really going on.

  Chapter Eight


  Okay, so he had just he patched me up and granted me some sort of strange implant that would allow me to understand him.

  Today was definitely the weirdest thus far.

  I grabbed my ear after he had slipped that thing in. I felt something squirming into me, but ignored it after it went away after a while. I presumed that that was the thing that was responsible for me now being able to understand him so I simply let it go. The thing that was pestering me at the moment, however, was the fact that the machine had just said: "mating compatible".

  I should've known something was up when he wanted to...have sex with me.

  I didn't even know what came over us, I just presumed that he was curious about my body and that I was curious about this, but there was the thought that...he and I might have been compatible on some level. What the hell was it? What the hell was I even thinking when I had the chance to finally do something physical with him. What came over me that night?

  Well, I suppose I was about to get my answers soon.

  "So what the hell was that? What did the mating thing mean?" I asked aloud while eyeing him suspiciously before he began, his voice was low and somewhat rough, but I could understand him for the most part.

  "I am the last of my species, the Delosians. I am in search of a mate to bear my offspring and I have just run a scan on you to see if you were a match for me." he stated simply while my eyes widened in shock.

  "W-wait you mean that you saved me because you need to-" I began, but he soon cut me off.

  He shakes his head, "No not like that. I'm on contract to hunt the things that were responsible for the destruction of your base. That's why I'm here in the first place. The reason that I have taken you back here is because I identified you as a mate, an unintended consequence of my quest." he states before turning back to the scanner and planting it into the medical box that we had laying off to the side. I looked on in shock as my head began to throb with confusion.

  Mate? What the hell was this. Was I really going to go with him and become this was way too weird for me to even comprehend.

  I shake my head and get to my feet before slowly stepping away. He watches me with bated breath while I continued to pace around, my head was already spinning with all the weird shit that he had just said to me. How the hell was I even compatible with a man that was an alien? What the fuck was the possibility of a human being compatible with an alien?

  "How is this possible? Wait never mind that, forget that for now. How the hell are we going to save my friends? That's the far more important question. Are they really all dead?"

  He pauses before shaking his head. "No, not all of them at least. I know his practices, he likely took them back to his hive that's somewhere on this planet, although I haven't gotten the chance to decide just where exactly. I suppose that now that you're back here I can start my mission for real and track him down." he spoke simply and my eyes lit up with excitement.

  "So let's go do it!" I shouted.

  "No." he spoke simply and I glanced at him shock before his sentience registered in my mind. What the hell did he mean no? What the fuck was he even talking about?

  "I thought you ju-"

  "I mean that I will go, you shall not accompany me. You don't have the tools to fight them..." he started.

  I could only stand there in disbelief as I looked on before realizing that he did indeed have a point. I wasn't a soldier and I would be useless in battle, but I knew the technology of my base, if he brought me back then I could do something to call for reinforcements! I could tell him that I knew how to shoot, sort of, I could be of use!

  "Why not?" was all that I could squeak out.

  "Because this enemy is far different from any other." he began and turned to press some, button on his gauntlet. An image of one of the creatures popped up, it flashed in front of me and I saw that disgusting bug creature that I had seen earlier on.

  "They can turn invisible at will, meaning that only someone with an extremely sharp sense of smell and hearing can detect them. I'm afraid that you will be of no use in battle so I cannot risk you. You will stay at the ship until further notice." he stat
es and I glared at him, growling and shaking my head in anger.

  "What the hell are you even talking about? I can go with you! Just let me go! I'll use infrared or something to find them, I don't need to be as strong as you to be of use. If you take me back to base then I can salvage something to call for help! I need to help them in some way! I need to let the commanding base know!" I shouted loudly as he looked on with increasing frustration. There was this low growling in his throat that was only growing louder with each passing moment.

  He leaned in until his horns were brushing against my forehead, his lips pressed together and he sighed "You will learn to obey me. You aren't going and that is final."

  I couldn't believe this! I was being ordered around by this brute! There was no way that I was going to stand for this! I was not going to be stuck here while my friends were in danger! I had no right to hide out there while they were in danger and I did nothing!

  "I'm a scientist. I know how to run things. Let me go with you and I can help you in ways other than battle." I started and he glanced down at me, his eyes were furrowed and he sighed.

  "No, that is the final answer." he started and I glanced at the medical kit before spotting a rather sharp razor blade. I grabbed it and lifted it up to my neck.

  "You let me go or i'm going to kill myself right now." I said without an ounce of insincerity in my voice, that got his attention.

  His eyes immediately widened and almost instantly he was upon me. He grabs my wrist and forces me to free the blade from my hand as it falls to the floor harmlessly while he gets on top of me and glared. I looked him in the eye with quivering lips while he merely sniffed me and glanced at me over once.

  "Are you really attempting to test me in such a way? Know that I will not tolerate anyone that puts you in danger, that includes yourself." he snarled as his face got a bit closer, I could melt just from his scent alone, let alone the vibration of his growls that were currently vibrating near my earlobe.