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Page 5

  "I told you that you shouldn't struggle." He grunted in a tone that betrayed his amusement. "You'll just end up hurting yourself."

  I wanted to ask him who he was and who these people were, to question why they were attacking us and if they were behind the disappearance of ships in this same area a couple of years back. I needed this goddamn gag off of me before I went insane!

  "Hey Rel! Is yours struggling? Looks like you didn't luck out because mine is behaving nicely." hollered a man outside of the room. Well, I don't know if you could call these guys men, more or less the proper term would be alien. I didn't even know if the guy holding me actually was a man. He certainly behaved like one. Do aliens even share the two sex system that humans have? Are they unisex?

  Now my curiosity was digging into the question of what these aliens were like moreso than how I would escape.

  I frowned and gazed at all the exits, this place seemed to be crawling with their troops. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself so I could use my own reasoning to garner some clues about the whole place. Who these men were was first on my list.

  Some of their armor looked pretty chipped and broken, the only one that had armor that looks like it was actually a good condition was the man carrying me. They all seemed to be pretty disorganized and were chatting over one another but the man holding me interjected every so often to get them to turn at a certain spot or quiet down. This indicated that their organization wasn't as rigid as a military was back home. Then again their military might just be really lax in terms of organization...

  But there was something else. I could pick up certain clues from the conversations that were occurring between the soldiers.

  "Which one do you think he'll pick?"

  "I don't know...this one maybe? I think the prince would like her judging from his previous choices. The offspring would certainly be strong."

  "Yeah but none of those worked out."

  "He's paying us good money for all of them. The rest of these girls can be given to him as gifts as concubines or something. It's not important which one he picks. It's just important that he does."

  "But then we don't have any more business for him do we?"

  "If we find his mate then he lets us back into Rial, simple as that."

  "Maybe we can actually become a platoon under the military if he puts in the word. Think about all the benefits! Really think about it!"

  "I'd rather not listen to some stuffy general and obey his will to only fight where he tells me to."

  "Is it any better than Gerax?"

  "No, not really. But at least Gerax's missions sound like fun. Imagine if we got stuck on-"

  I think i've heard enough.

  So from what I gathered these men were not affiliated with any real government based on the fact that they're blocked from entering their planet. Other clues indicate that we were going to be sold off to some prince as slaves and one of us will presumably be chosen as his sexual partner. The rest of us could probably be sold off somewhere else judging by the way they spoke of us.

  This would not stand.

  "Get me the hell out of here!" I tried to shout but the gag did its work and all that was seen was a girl frantically thrashing in an attempt to escape her captors.

  This did not amuse my blue armored friend.

  "Stop that you fool!" he snarled at me and held my neck in place. I could see the tips of his claws threatening to edge into the skin of my neck. I could see a mote of hesitation in his eyes, it was almost as if he wanted to do something to me right then and there and I knew that he didn't want to murder me, I just understood it somehow.

  No, he wanted to do something with a bit more lust in it.

  "I can snap your neck at an instant, so silence." he snarled in my ear and I nodded, fearfully quivering as we were led into the main hall of the ship.

  All of the dining tables and chairs were tossed off to the side, some of them still stood but for the most part a massive swath of it was cleared out so that we could all gather here. On the podium in front of us stood a strange man in red armor with grey skin and golden eyes. His black horns were much longer than my captor's and his fangs peek out from in between his lips. He gazes at the crowd with those malevolent eyes of his, his snarl seems to grow even more aggravated as the rest of us are led into the chamber. He finally came down and assumes what I would presume was a neutral expression after we are all gathered. I scan the crowd for Penny, for Xu, for anyone that I knew but I only saw Penny. She was standing near the front of the crowd and was shooting me a look that conveyed the helplessness that she had felt.

  If I was feeling a hint of hopelessness then I could only imagine how downtrodden she must feel at this moment.

  I tense my hands and tried to kick my captor again but he only increased the pressure of his grip around my neck which seems to give me the message. I was whimpering, growling inwardly as I watched the men take center stage. Hasan stood there with his back straight and his head held high. His face conveyed stoicism but from the look in his eyes I could tell that he was panicking. His nostrils flared as the alien stood next to him and began to speak.

  "As you have all heard already. I am Captain Gerax. I've come on this ship for one thing and one thing only, to capture as many of you as I can and to bring home a mate for a prince. One of your women will be taken by my employer personally and made into his mate. I am sure that you understand what this means. She will supply my employer children and serve as his sexual partner until their death. As for the rest of our captured souls, they will be sent to the markets to be used as slaves, a select few may be kept by us depending on how well we take to you. We're not here to negotiate and we're not going to put up with any insolence. If one of you ends up being a match for the prince then that person will be delivered to him and after that we will have full custody over the rest of you." he announced in a deep, rumbling voice. At times it seems like he almost snarled his words and it made me quake in fear, this man was completely and utterly terrifying.

  Then again so was Mr. Blue armor and I haven't freaked out in front of him just yet.

  "This is no longer your captain! If I see or even hear any hint of dissent amongst you then you'll die, starting with this man right here." he announced as he took out his knife from his pocket and holds it against Hasan's neck. "This is your example. Should I hear or detect any signs of rebellion then your captain will die. Then you will die. And everyone that you know on this ship will die. We do not tolerate insolence." he snarled before waving his hand and tossing his knife into the ground directly next to Hasan. Hasan looked like he was ready to jump out of his skin at any moment.

  "We should be receiving word of how the prince will choose in a moment." Gerax continued, "Obey and we shall ensure that you all are treated as well as reasonably possible."

  I scoffed and watched as a hologram sprung up besides Gerax. An image of this tall, hulking man popped up. He had ash grey skin and red eyes, his hair was white and his suit seemed to cling to him. He gazed out amongst the crowd and smiled.

  "I have made a decision." he announced with a smirk. "I want this one."

  Just as he announced an image of a girl popped up next to him. It was crystal clear but it took me a moment to really understand who he was referring to. I looked at the photo more closely and shivered as I came to the realization of who it was.

  Blond hair? Check.

  Blue eyes? Check.

  It was...Penny

  She seemed to squirm as she was led up onstage and forced to kneel. The wanted to cry out and rush towards her but I was being held in place by Mr. Blue Armor. I glared at him as I tried to race forward, my hands clenched and I tried to lunge at my friend but the men were holding me down.

  "Get her under control Rel." said Gerax while I glared at the captain. If looks could kill all of these assholes would be dead!

  I watched as the tears began to trickle down her face before the men hoiste
d her up and took her away. She walked off of the small platform and was forced into the back, the only hope that I had was that we might have a plan to get her out of this mess before the prince actually takes her. I shake in indignation while I stand there, Blue was keeping his hold on me but I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to go back and lay my head down after the day I've had. One thing was racing in my mind, however.

  We had to find a way out of this.



  "What the gercek was that?!" I snarled as I tossed her into the room. She falls onto the bed unceremoniously an only glared at me before I rolled my eyes and sighed.

  "We can take the gag off of you now I suppose." I rumbled before pressing a couple of buttons on the control pad behind me. It shuts the door and puts up the privacy field to block noise. I had only recently become acquainted with the human user interface systems on their ship thanks to our past operations. I was still uncertain about the entire process but our security expert had informed us all about how to operate most of these human contraptions such as their doors and their cleansing instruments so I had a decent grasp on it, at least I would hope so.

  I walked to her and reached out to grip that gag on her mouth. I gazed at my wrist and pressed a couple of buttons on my gauntlet that resulted in the gag relaxing around her mouth before falling to the bedding.

  And then I heard it.

  "Let me go you fucking alien asshole!" she snarled at me with eyes full of rage as she lunged forward and tried to kick me. I slide off to the side and all her foot hits is the wall behind me.

  "First time attacking an enemy huh?" I questioned her with an amused look. "Why don't you behave like a good little mate and lay down?"

  "What the hell did you just call me?" she questioned once more as she tried to tackle me with her shoulder but I simply slide out of the way again "Let me go you fucking alien jackoffs! Let Penny go for that manner! She doesn't deserve this!"

  "Penny?" I questioned her before remembering how she had reacted at the meeting... "The girl with golden hair?"

  "Yes her! Let her go!" shouted Kelly while she thrashed and tried to charge me again, I grew tired of this game and simply grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. Her cheek was sliding against the cold steel and she was whimpering as I held her in place. Her glare trails off to the side to lock with my red eyes while my lip curled downwards so I could snarl into her ear.

  "Stop. Now." I ordered.

  "Or what?" she responded. Her eyebrows curved upwards and she still had that same fiery look in her eyes that made me want to pin her down and ravage her.

  The same look that made me want to take her.

  I growled and tugged her back before flinging her onto the bed. I pin her down face-first against the fabric and she begins to laugh. Her body was shaking and her hands were fumbling with mine as I grabbed her wrists.

  "Oh, what is this now? You're going to claim me? Well, fuck you! Fuck your entire race! I'm not going to do a goddamn thing for you so don't even ask me! As soon as I get the chance i'm kicking you in the goddamn-"

  "Shut up! I'm untying you fool! Hold still.." I grimaced as my hands fumbled with her cuffs. She didn't struggle after that but this confused expression did wash over her face. I fumble with her hands before I gripped the chains and tugged them away, the light rope falls to the floor as she flexed her fingers in front of me. I still kept a knee on her back to keep her down in case she tried anything.

  "Why?" she asked with the confusion apparent in her eyes. Why let me go?"

  "Because I want to talk to you." I responded.

  "And why would that be. Aren't you just going to ship me off as a slave?" she asked with a snarl while I merely stood there with my knee on her back.

  "Because you're my mate." I responded, she said nothing for a moment.

  "Mate?" she asked in frustration. Was my name funny as well?

  "That's it? Just Rel?" she questioned.


  "That's short."

  "And your name is Kelly."

  She keeps quiet as she looked over at the door, she bites her lip and I can see the glint of mischief in her eyes. She had wanted to escape but she knew that there was no hope of it. She understood that I could grab her at any moment and pin her back on the bed and keep her there so she doesn't try anything. Her face was still curled up in that snarl of her's that conveyed every single hateful emotion it could to me and I remained stoic in spite of it.

  "I do not tolerate such insolence from my mate. If you knew better than you would not try me in such a manner." I commanded with a calm, neutral expression. She curled her fist back and slammed it against my cheek and it was only a mild annoyance. She then flings her knee towards me and tries to hit my stomach but it mostly bounces off harmlessly from my muscled chest before she makes a mad dash for my armor. My knife was holstered in there, I realized.

  I charge after her and grab her before she gets the chance to reach my armor and she thrashed while I held her in place. Her brown eyes light up with anger and that long brown hair of her dashes over my fingers and the back of her head in a mad frenzy as I hold her down.

  "Let us go you alien asshole! Let us all go! There's nothing of value here! You can't just treat humans like cattle!" she snarled. I don't know what this cattle was but it didn't sound too nice.

  "Shut up!" I growled.

  "Fuck you!" she gasped out and launched one of her legs upwards to kick my back. I remained in place and her kicks did little damage but I had to admit that they were getting somewhat annoying.

  "Stop that right now." I ordered her.

  "Then let us go! Why can't you guys just find women on your home planets and leave us alone? Who even are you guys?" She hollered while her cheek was pressed against the cold steel floor. This woman was a nightmare to deal with!

  "We are part of Gerax's gangs. Marauders. We don't have any qualms with taking what we want and operate specifically as a means to return to our home planet without being charged for crimes that would lid after a long period of silence. I could only nod as she looked up at me with an expression that only grew more and more confused by the moment. Her eyes seemed to go through stages of denial, shock, and ager before she finally began to speak.

  "What's your name?" she questioned and I sighed. Finally, we were getting somewhere. A wave of relief washes over me as I eased the knee on her back and rolled onto the side. I sit on the bed next to her and keep my eye on her so she doesn't try anything. She scoots up and slid on her side while gazing at me, waiting for an answer.

  "Rel." I responded, her face scrunched up in confusion again. I let out a low growl to display likely get us executed. Hunting humans such as yourself is our only way back in." I growled out through gritted teeth. Her kicking was getting quite annoying so I aimed my leg back to hold her own leg down while I leaned in close next to her ear. "And we have no qualms with harming insubordinate prisoners so I suggest that you stop immediately!" I roared.

  "Make me asshole!" she cried out and I shut my eyes. I shake my head in exasperation at her antics and sighed while holding her in place, this was going to take a long while.

  "Who are you? What race are you people? Are there more of you?" she asked frantically, her voice seems to be distorted and strained after all of the screaming that she was doing. "Where are you from?"

  "Asking diplomatic questions now I see." I observed dryly, this was the first sentence that I haven't had to scream at her in a while.

  "Just answer my damn question!" she hollered.

  "Make me asshole." I mocked her in a high pitched voice and I heard her growl but for an instant, just a brief moment I could hear something akin to a giggle. I didn't even know what asshole met, and admittedly, my impression was terrible.

  She keeps on pestering me with the same questions while I hold her there. She doesn't seem to be sitting up but exhausts herself after a bit of effort. It's be
en almost 3 setras by the time that she's calmed down and I can only imagine what would happen if I let her up again. Her tone then takes on a more...docile tone, however.

  "Please. Just tell me who you guys are and where you come from. That's all I want to know. Nothing else I swear." she promises in an innocent and sweet voice, I knew that she was playing a game but I decided to allow her this instant of amusement.

  My eyes curved upwards as I looked to the ceiling, my gaze wandered as I tried to gather what I wanted to convey into a sentence. This was strange indeed.

  "We are Rialans. We come from a planet known as Rial approximately 20 light-years away from here." I started and she didn't interrupt. "We have numerous colonies and inhabit over 10 solar systems. Our ruler is a king and i'm sure you understand the biological differences between our races by now. Now. If I let you go, will you be calm?" I asked her and she slowly nodded, her eyes gazed at me and conveyed every inch of sweet innocence that they could so I slowly released my grasp on her and got off.

  That is until she launched herself at the armor again and grabbed the knife. She streaks her blade in an arc back at me but I catch her wrist and carefully remove the knife from her grasp before tossing her onto the bed and getting on top. The knife was dangling above her and my patience was at an all-time low.

  "You should not have done that..." I snarled at her while she laid there beneath me. Her clothes were torn and ripped at certain parts during our entire struggle. I was already shirtless and was only wearing a pair of shorts for modesty. I hold her in place and snarled as my face got closer and closer to her's. I was directly above her and I could see her legs spread rather unconsciously. My manhood was growing harder and slicker just glancing at her. I could already feel the heat frothing on my tip and the shaft swelling with blood while my eyes appraised the curvaceous beauty beneath me.