Yagrax Read online

Page 6

  "Yagrax." I said as he dragged me up, he looked me over and nodded.

  "Good job." he stated and I sighed as I slid in his arms, I had finally let go of that naivety.



  I can't help but linger on her as she slept in front of me.

  The stars shine onto us and I looked her over while the lamps outside of the facility beamed in through the windows. I leaned against the wall near where her bed was and I sighed as I looked her over, she was so magnificent. Each and every one of her curves were emphasized in the shadow and I can't help but smile as I watched her, her chest rose softly and her eyes shut while her lips pursed together in her sleep. I wondered what sorts of dreams she would be having. She had done well in the last few fights, it's been nearly two months since I have met her and well...I was accepting it finally.

  I needed to tell her. I had to tell her. There was nothing more that I could do. I couldn't hold out on her any longer and wait, it was now or never.

  I looked her over and walked over to her bedside, my finger dances along her cheek and she sighs. I flick a lock of that lovely black hair away and she tosses and turns in her sleep. I mutter something to myself and watched as my long shadow looms over her sleeping figure. Such a wondrous thing surely did not deserve such a cruel fate, such a fate that was only to be reserved for the downtrodden. How could they kidnap and force something so lovely to battle?

  She has grown so much, she has finally learned how to act, she has finally gained the will to fight and the will to accept that there is some darkness that lingers in the very fabric of these worlds. Have I changed? Have I gained any semblance of hope back? Of any will to fight? I would like to think so but the answer was not absolute.

  "I...I want to earn your freedom. I want to earn my freedom. I want to build something with you." I admitted.

  The feeling was so alien, so strange to me and it scared me off the first few times I had felt it but now it was back in full force.

  And yet it still ate away at my heart, it still nibbled on the flesh and made me feel like I was going to suffer a fate that I have never had the misfortune of enduring should I allow even an inch of myself to accept the hope into my heart, to accept that fire that would linger once again in the darkness of my eye.

  "I can hope. I can hope for the both of us." I remarked and walked out of the room to stare out the window.

  The stars seemed to be infinite at this time of night. The light blocked out some of them but I could still see a great deal and my pupils dash across the sky as I sense a minute warmth nesting its way into me. I longed to find us a warm place amongst those embers in the sky, to find us a little abode where we could both live without ever having to fight for our survival. I longed for that idea of a life without this embittered war for our own emancipation. In those embers of the sky I could picture a future with her, children even, a day in the sun that would never end with her laying there with me, her hand in mine and her smile as infinite as the very number of these embers dotting the fabric of night.

  There was a future there and I knew that it wasn't false, that she really was my mate and that I really did desire it.

  The last few months have been difficult, I have been involved in my own internal clash on whether or not I should accept this hope into my heart completely but now I knew. I didn't care about battle nearly as much as I cared about her, I no longer longed for any false sense of security I might have found in denying myself the ability to feel something. There was no sense of security because the feeling had already shattered any wall that I may have constructed around my heart, it was insurmountable now.

  And I would accept it, I would fight not just for her happiness but mine as well, I would fight for the ideal that lurked in those embers dotting the void.



  It was as remarkable a day as I could remember.

  I sat there with him at that tiny table in our "apartment" I guess you could call it. I rest my dish on the wood and sat across from him on this steel stool and he sits down as well, gripping his plate and gazing at it with eager eyes as we both unlocked the metal cap and set it off to the side. What was revealed was...glorious.

  "Do you know what this is?" he asked me and pointed at the strange circle of white and red goodness on his plate.

  Oh yes I knew exactly what it was.

  "This is pizza." I said to him and lifted the entire pie up, they had given us each a medium sized pie and I was eager to dig in. I haven't had pizza ever since I got assigned to work for the ambassador.

  "Is it good?" he asked with a questioning eyebrow raise, I nodded

  "The best. You have to cut it but I think they already did that." I remarked and he stared at it a bit longer.

  "I'll show you how to eat it." is aid and lifted one of the slices up to my face, I lift it and press the tip of it onto my tongue before clenching my teeth down on that soft cheese and that crispy crust.

  "Alright then well......oh my..." he remarked as he slipped the slice into his mouth while laughing, his eyes widened and he nearly ate the entire slice in one bite soon after.

  "How is it?" I asked.

  "The greatest." He remarked and I laughed while I continued to munch on my meal.

  We continue through the night, munching and eating happily before opening up the bottle of Jorathian alcohol that they had granted us. It was complex, earthy, a strong flavor pervaded the alcohol and I enjoyed every drop of it before the night was almost over and I was munching on my last slice. I had finished up and looked over at him during all of this, his face was slightly flushed but we weren't really intoxicated at this point.

  "This is one of the greatest nights I’ve had in a while." he said to me with a great deal of sincerity in his voice. His eyes locked with mine and I smiled as I looked him over, I walked over to the table and placed my hand on his shoulder while sighing.

  "There's still some wine on your lip..." he remarked while glancing up at me, his eyes locked with my lips and I sighed as he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I meld into his kiss as his grey body melts into me, all of that rippling muscle pressed against my soft flesh as I grumbled into him. I feel my hands slide along the back of his head as I pull him in closer and soon we fall back onto the floor while giggling. My head slides against the wood and I flashed a sheepish grin.

  "Sorry." I remarked and without a word he carries me back to the bedroom with a hand on each thigh. He places me down on the bed and practically ripped the shirt off of his body along with his shorts. Those scales on his back shone in the dim light and I watched those grey muscles tense up as he approached. His member was massive and had these ridges that enabled even more pleasure than a human manhood. I glanced at him and bite my lip as I soon tore off my own clothes and tossed them aside, my eyes rest on him and he approaches as I watched all that muscle tense up. The inches upon inches of biceps, pecs, abs, they all flexed in front of me and those scars shone as his physique is displayed completely, a body built for war, a body that was now ready take me.

  "Give it to me." I moaned and laid on my back as he approached me.

  His lips pressed against mine as he gets on top of me on the bed. I feel my lips press against his and rest a hand on his cheek as his own hand ran up to my neck. Those claws retract and his long fingers press into my curves as I sighed and felt my breath dash across his lips. His tongue rolled over mine and I whimpered as I feel him begin to kiss me with a bit more urgency. He kisses my lips a few more times and reluctantly departs before pressing his lips against my neck.

  "Oh yes." I said to him as he began to suck on the flesh while whipping his tongue against me several times.

  "I adore you." he said and I smiled.

  "I adore you as well." I giggled.

  I felt his hands run down to my mounds as he gripped my chest and contorted my mounds in his grasp. His fingers press into my ample flesh and his palms slide over my nipples while I continued to moan for him. I gripped his tight muscular back and feel all of those ridges of muscle tense up as his entire body flexed while against me. I feel him shaking as he kisses a path down to my mounds, his lips press into my collar bone before he wrapped his mouth around my left breast while gripping my right. He rushes his fingers over the sides of my mounds and I moaned softly for him as I feel his fingers pinch my nipple before pulling. I nearly squealed as he bites my left nipple gently with his fangs, his lips smack around my breasts and his tongue began to flick that nub of flesh around, he was unrelenting in his pace and I loved every bit of it.

  "Oh don't stop. Don't stop. I love you, I love you." is aid.

  "I love you." he remarked and pressed both of my ample mounds together, all of my curves shifted and I feel my breasts pin together as he wrapped his mouth around both of them at the same time. He begins to pull with his lips while dashing his tongue over those pink nubs of flesh over and over again. I feel him tugging gently, pulling as I slowly lose myself to the euphoria. I feel his hands tense around my hips as he pressed them into my curves, my flesh shifts for him and his grey skin shines in the light, my pale tones clash with his grey scales as I rest a hand on his back. He kisses a path down my chest to my crotch which was already soaking wet, it was ready for him, ready for him to slip into.

  "I want it from you. Oh please, please give it to me." is aid and he nodded as his fingers cocked back, his hand dashes over my folds with his right index finger dashing along my womanhood gently, he rolled a finger over my clit and I groaned softly as the heat in my cheeks spikes.

  "Oh god, oh god I want it so badly. I want it from you. Please grant it to me. Grant me what I have wanted for so long." I moaned as I gripped the sheets.

  He slipped deeper and runs his fingers against my walls as he sunk all the way in. Three of his right fingers were in me by the end of it and I am practically dripping heat onto his hand as he lifts his left hand to stimulate my clit while he slipped his fingers deeper and deeper. I felt his fingers press into me as my clit is flicked back and forth rather gently, his left index finger gently rubbed that nub through the clitoral hood while I moaned for him. He lifts the hood up with his left hand and leans in to lick my clit several times. Due to the somewhat rough texture of his tongue, which was to encourage the digestion of the foliage back on Jorath, the stimulation was incredible.

  "OH!" I cried out.

  "You like that huh?" he asked me and I nodded.

  "Please grant it to me, please give me every inch of it." I moaned for him.

  I feel his finger slip in and out of me at a quicker rate. All of that juice spilled out and I cried out. He holds me in pace and spreads my folds to slip his tongue inside of me. I feel his tongue slide deep inside and I moaned as the tip of his tongue rocks over my folds and my walls. All of that juice splattered out onto him and he digs his tongue deeper and deeper inside while I can only moan. I feel his tongue squirm, all of those textured ridges whipping over my nerve bundles as I lose myself to the pleasure. I can feel myself clenching him as he moaned into me, the vibrations of his voice travelling through his tongue and stimulating me even further while I cried out.

  "Oh god don't stop! I love it!" I announced for him as his tongue sinks deep inside of me. He whipped the tip of it over my cervix and I cried out as I feel my walls shaking around him. My clit is flicked back and forth by his fingers and I can only bite my lip as I continually feel the heat rush through my folds.

  I was close.

  "Oh, oh, oh i'm going to!" I cried out and shut my eyes. I bite my lip and moaned while the heat began to rush out of me. I feel his tongue squirm one last time before all of that heat rocketed out and dashed over his lips. All of that incredible heat rushed over his lips as he slipped his tongue over my cervix and his fingers over my clit, all of that hot juice spilled out and I can only pant as the sweetness dripped onto his lengthy Jorathian tongue.

  "Oh yes, yes, oh god that was wonderful." I moaned for him and feel the juices drip from my folds. I stare at him and bite my lip as he knelt there in front of me with nearly all 11 inches of his member throbbing in front of me.

  "Please.' I whimpered as I crawled up to him with my lips slightly open. My mouth nears his member and I run a hand across his cock as I gripped onto the shaft. I tensed my grip and dashed my fingers from the base of his member to his tip, the slick grey shaft gave way to that darkened head that throbbed in front of me. The head was already slick with excitement and I licked my lips at the idea of indulging myself.

  I leaned in and initially pumped him several times with my fingers whipping along his grey shaft to his tip. That slickness runs between my fingers as I run my hand up and down his shaft several more times. I watched him throb in my grasp, I can feel him shaking as his tip continued to drip out more of that slickness before I leaned in completely and slide my tongue gently across his entire length. He growls softly and his pupils dilate as I do this, his teeth grit and he sighs, his body indulging in the pleasure that I was granting him.

  "Moan as loud as you want." I said.

  "Yes, yes, oh god your mouth feels incredible. You really are my mate." he said and I paused for a moment, unsure about what he meant but deciding to ask him afterwards.

  I whipped my tongue across his cock several more times, I licked his tip and his shaft while giving his tip the occasional kiss. I ultimately decided to slide his entirety into me and slide his tip across my lips and into my mouth. I slid my tongue across the underside of his member as I dashed my mouth along his entire size. He continued to moan for me and that excitement dripped onto my lips and tongue while I run my mouth along his entire cock. I can feel him shaking while his massive member thrilled over and over again while inside of me.

  "Oh yes, yes." he said and rests a hand on the back of my head. He dug his member deeper inside of me, his pace was unrelenting and he began to thrust and I lose myself to the pleasure. I shut my eyes and groaned as I feel myself shake with his thrusts, his tip was pressed against the roof of my mouth and I felt each of the ridges on his member swell before he finally growled with his fingers pursing around the back of my head. He groaned and dug all the way in while snarling.

  "AH!" he nearly roared as his load dripped all over my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I felt all of that incredible heat dash over my mouth while I moaned for him. My eyes shut as my curves shake, I was panting as the seed dripped from my lips and I laid there, gasping before he gets on top. I raised an eyebrow.

  "Jorathians are known for their virility." he said with a grin before he spread my legs and sunk his tip in between my folds,

  "OH..." I moaned and he slides all the way in soon after.

  His hands rest on either side of my head as his fingers press against the sheets. I feel my hands wrap around his incredibly tight abdomen as he began to dig in and out of me. I feel the tip dash along my walls as he digs deeper and deeper. He begins to kiss my lips and then he runs his hands down to my breasts as his fingers pursed around my mounds. I feel him gripping and pulling the flesh gently as he flicked my nipples around while his cock continued to dig deeper and deeper inside of me. I feel his abdomen clench and his pecs tighten, I quiver while my eyes shut and I moaned for him, I bite my lip and I feel the ridges on his member slide against my nerve bundles, all of those textured portions of his shaft whipped over me as he digs deep. I was beginning to lose myself.

  "Yes, yes, oh god this is incredible." I moaned and he kissed my collarbone before his lips run down to my neck. He pursed his mouth around my breast and begins to pull with his lips while his tip dashed over my cervix, I felt my curves shaking as he nestled into me and his muscles hardened. All of that musculature flexed while my curves pressed into him and I finally cried out and lost myself completely.

  "AHHH!" I cried.

  "Together.." he groaned into my ear and I muffled a moan by moaning into his shoulder. I feel all of the seed spill out across my cervix and my eggs as he dug all the way inside of me. My walls clenched him and the juices fall all over his shaft as he dug in. I feel all of that hot seed splattering across my insides while my walls gushed the heat all over his textured Jorathian member.

  I soon rolled over onto my back while panting, the pleasure was incredible and I was quivering as I feel every inch of him slide out of me. All of that heat gushed through me and flowed out onto the sheets, I panted while looking over at him.

  "I heard that we were compatible but...wow." I remarked.

  "You mean humans and Jorathians?" he asked me and I nodded.

  "Yeah...that." I said and he nodded as he returned his gaze to me.

  "I don't know what overcame me but...I’ve been wanting to do that for so long." he said and I nodded.

  "I have too, you don't know how long I’ve lusted for you but...what is a mate?" I asked him and his eyes widened as I nestled into his grasp. My head rests against his chest and I sighed before he began while stroking my hair, his long grey fingers run along the strands of black hair as he kissed my forehead.

  "A mate is the person that a Jorathian bonds to for life. They swear an eternal partnership that is unspoken but felt by both parties. You're supposed to simply know who is your mate based on sight and when I saw you...I knew it was you but I didn't want to believe it in a sense. Our scenario made loving you pretty difficult and so...I hid it away and only now did I tell you. It warms my heart that you feel the same but the mating bond is a commitment, it is for life and I don't want to force anything onto you. Traditionally there are children to be had and a home to be made but...I understand if you are hesitant to pledge the rest of your life with me." he said and I sighed while glancing back at him.