Alien's Prize Page 8
"Oh god, it's so warm and thick. I want it so badly." She whimpered while her mouth opened ever so slightly. "If this is what it means to be your mate then count me in."
Her expression was stone-faced and I could see her hands swoop over me with increasing intensity while she occasionally stuck her tongue out to lick my tip every so often. My cock was twitching, throbbing for her as I run my tip along her lips once. She whimpered while I begin to slip into her mouth ever so slightly before committing completely. I could feel my tip dashing over her tongue and the roof of her mouth as I plunged into her with a great deal of intensity and enthusiasm. I hold the back of her head in place while I continued to thrust, my balls rubbed her chin and she could feel the seed swelling, pulsing as I sink myself further and further inside of her. Her breathy moans run across my hardened shaft and I swell in reaction to it.
She was perfect, every inch of her was perfect. Verasa she was wondrous.
"Oh stars you really really are my mate. I adore you, I want you to feel all of me." I moaned for her before sinking even deeper.
I hold her in place as I begin to thrust, running my tip along her inner cheek while the swelling only picked up. My tip was dripping its excitement onto her and she was bringing me closer to the brink with each of her movements.
"Don't you want me to stop? So you have something left over for this?' she asked and gestured to her sex before I shook my head.
"A Delosian is always ready to give more if needed...Are humans not the same?" I asked as she slipped away from me for a moment to converse.
"No, traditionally it takes quite a lot of time for a man to recharge."
"Not me." I growled and grabbed her head before beginning to thrust once again.
She moans and whimpers, her curves bounced and her breasts rubbed my thighs as I watched her grow more and more aroused. There was a slight stain on the sheets from where she was dripping and I knew that I could bring her even closer. I knew that I was going to grant her what she wanted most as I grunted and roared before my seed dripped out onto her.
And she took it all.
Her tongue lashed her inner cheek as the heat begins to trickle down into her throat in a large amount. Her lips spread and her body quakes as I left her drenched in the mess of my seed before she pulled away and tried to take it all in, of course, some of it inevitably dripped out of her mouth, but she swallowed most of it.
"Sweet, incredibly sweet. I never knew that such a warrior of your caliber would be able to make something so...nice."
She was acting much more different than she once was. Before her actions were rooted in lust, in the need for more and more carnal pleasure and yet now there was that affection that I noticed. She was talking to me openly and there wasn't as much embarrassment about the physical aspect of our relationship.
"I want to tame you, I want you to obey me." I snarled out and grabbed her wrists before pinning her down on the bed, she looked up to me with a worried face before I decided that this position was growing old so I instead lifted her and pinned her against the rim of the workbench to shove myself into her.
"Oh Jino." She groaned and my cock twitched even harder at that. My eyes flashed and I think that she could even hear me growling. The ridges on the side of my neck begin to tremble as I looked her over before I sink my tip in between her folds.
I slipped all the way inside of her and growled into her ear while her legs wrapped around me.
My tip slipped over her walls as I continued to thrust, thrusting harder and harder as my member throbbed inside of her. I could feel her holding me in place as her fingers stroked along all of the lines and crevices of muscles over my back. Her moans scratch the surface of my shoulder as I thrust further and further.
She practically begs me to give it to her, she practically begs me to cut loose and simply fill her at this point and I was thinking about obliging her completely.
"Please, please just give it to me. Please, I want it so badly, I want to feel you spill yourself all over me. Please, I want to, I want to!" she cried out while her hands rubbed the vibrating ridges on the side of my neck before she finally let out her low moans while I sunk as far as I could. The spikes of black hair atop my head bounced while I rested myself inside of her before I began to spill out. I heard her moaning loudly and I feel her hands slapping my back as I finally let myself loose while inside of her.
"Yes, yes! Oh god!" she moaned as loudly as she could while I growled into her ear.
"Meki!" I cursed as I shot out my ropes of seed.
I filled her with my hot seed and she moaned while her walls and her womanhood were drenched in the mess that I granted to her. I could feel her clenching me as her juices flooded out onto my member and coated every inch of me. She slathered the curvature of my member as I rested myself inside her with the heat continuing to drip onto her folds. I could hear her moaning and I could feel her breasts pressing into my chest while the rest of me spilled out and seeped across every inch of her. The feeling of her walls tightening around me was absolutely...indescribable, the times that we had done this before were nice, but this time there was something else.
That warmth, that love was there in full effect. I didn't want to leave this woman for the rest of my life, I didn't want to go anywhere without her by my side. It was fitting that she was now my mate, that she was now with me, I would thank the stars for that honor.
Chapter Twelve
We begin early the next morning and I could tell that he was eager to get going by the way he shook me awake. I thought that we would have taken a bit more time in doing this, but I suppose that I was glad, after all, I was able to go after the creatures that had taken my friends.
As soon as I woke up I noticed that I was nude and immediately blushed before scurrying towards my suit. Why I was so embarrassed I didn't know, after all, we've had sex before, but this time it felt different. Each time before had been spontaneous and it almost felt like he was guiding me into it, this time it was different for the sole reason of it being based on affection rather than sheer lust. And I wasn't quite sure what to say about that. Why was I suddenly feeling this for him?
After all his talks about making me his mate, I simply let the remarks fly over my head, but now there was a real chance at him actually changing my mind and convincing me to come with him. I didn't give it much thought as I was solely focused on finding my crew, but that I was actually doing that, I had the opportunity to reflect
I rubbed my boots against the rocks below as the images of him flashed over in my mind. He was standing in front of me, but he had his armor on so I couldn't exactly see him. He had told me to stay close to him since he didn't want me getting harmed, he said that I was the hope of his life.
He was a good man, a bit gruff and a bit arrogant at times, but he meant well. The "punishments' that he had tried to give me were rather humorous in that I actually enjoyed them quite a bit. I didn't know what to say to him entirely, but...part of me liked him, part of me really, really did want him to be with me.
And it scared me, because it wasn't nearly compatible with who I was.
To think that I would be fully dedicating my life to someone else was a real mind-blower for me. I had boyfriends before, but never to the point where I thought I was going to marry this person or be with them for the rest of my life.
And now that feeling as there and it was frightening, overwhelming, almost like seeing the sun for the first time in your life to the point where you want to run from it and run back into the dark, but this was something that I had to confront.
The physical attraction was there, there was no mistaking that after all, but more so than that was this emotional attraction I had for him that would just not quit no matter what happened. I wanted him, I wanted him dearly and to think that I wouldn't be able to be with him actually hurt me a bit.
What did it mean to love someone tru
ly? I think this was it.
I thought about what would happen at the end of all of this, first I would go back home to work some job at a university as some sort of physics professor or perhaps I would continue being an engineer. The thought of it simply wrecked my mind, but I don't even really know what I should do at this point...Would I be the one to go with him and restore his race to what it once was? Was that really what I wanted above all else or was there something more? Something that was above all that?
God, it was so frustrating.
All of my life I wanted to be my own person, that was why I became an engineer so I could take these crazy expeditions in order to find some semblance of who I was and now that all of that is gone there is a great deal of change festering in the back of my mind. What was I to do now once something came along that would demand that I be a part of it? Something that meant that I would have to leave everything that I had worked so hard for. My career, everything that I had done.
What the hell was so different about it now?
"Alright keep your head down, we're here." He muttered to me and I nodded before crouching beside him and glancing over the curve of the hill. In the distance I could see the sand mound, he gazes at it with his visor for a few minutes before we begin to walk towards it.
He tells me that we have to look or some kind of metal symbol.
We walk around the exterior of the stone before he finally finds it tucked under some vines and sand. He pushes it with some sort of strange pendant or symbol and slowly I begin to see the sand shift as a door opens.
"What should I do?" I asked as I clutched the blaster tightly and he merely glanced at the ground and sighed.
"I don't suppose that you want to stay up here?" he asked and I shook my head.
He then reluctantly guided me along.
I followed him down this little trap door as we paced downward into whatever was waiting for us. I activated my infrared visor and glanced around to see if there were any of those beasts lurking around down here, but there was none thus far.
"Come on, they're vulnerable in the dark because you can see them, I have no clue what's waiting for us the further we go down...Can you sense anything?" he asked. I pieced together some toys in our spare time and was putting them to use at the moment namely the electronic sensor that I had. There was nothing thus far, just sand and stone walls, that was it.
We continue down these tunnels and I make sure to mark our trail with these spots of paint along the wall as I followed him further and further. He lifts up his blaster as we turned a corner and I see a shape walking towards us.
We open fire and the blaster bolt phases right through it.
"Hologram! We've been detected!"
I support that our sensors didn't pick up anything due to the fact that their tech was so different from ours. That didn't change the fact that we were in a world of hurt as soon as we realized that they had been expecting us. He grabs me and runs back towards the entrance as I watched a litany of those damn creatures emerge from the walls and the distant tunnels.
"What are you doing?! We're here to save them!" I cried.
"I'm not staying here and letting the two of us die, I-" he began, but it was too late to do anything the moment we ran forward and saw that the door was shut tight with no way out.
So battle it was.
"Keep close, do not engage unless I tell you to." He muttered and made sure I was tucked behind his back. I gazed at the tunnels behind me and sighed as I Hear him begin to fire.
His blaster bolts strike the beasts running towards him and he roars as he continues to unload on them. I knew that we needed cover and we needed it yesterday so I began to look around for any clues on where I could go before I decided to use one of my toys that I had made.
A little acid grenade with a poison that could be contagious to them since they weren't wearing armor.
I chucked the grenade behind me and waited as we both got down and the gases floated out. We had discussed the idea prior to making our move and he decided that it would be a good course of action so I presented him with some of the weapons I had made and this was just the first. Due to the fact that these creatures didn't wear any armor, it made them easy targets for weapons such as these bad boys.
I could watch them wheeze as their firing grew more and more disarrayed and inaccurate. I opened fire on them along with Jino as he carries me on his back and we run forward.
The fact that the blaster that he had made for me was a miracle. It was far larger than what I was used to, but the controls were the same since both humans and Delosians had opposable thumbs and arms. The same kind of weapon as a human firearm in theory and that meant that I had plenty of practice with it. You don't become an engineer for an expedition without figuring out a way around the soldiers' weaponry so that when something goes wrong you're there to help them.
And thus we continued.
They activate more and more torrents, but he knew his way around them by some quick shots from his blaster. We continue traveling down the corridors until we arrive at the point that we had been seeking this entire time.
A large stone chamber with a variety of empty cages as well as operating tables. There were vats full of some kind of green liquid that I don't even want to begin to describe in addition to a litany of scattered electronics on the floor. Just in the distance, I could see an opening to someplace, a tunnel of sorts.
But that wasn't the thing on my mind. What was on my mind was the body that was in one of the vats, it was floating and I could recognize the face.
"Evelyn!" I nearly screamed as I ran up to the glass cylinder and banged on it, glazing her over for any wounds that she may have accrued yet she seems to be in mostly good shape. I almost cried when I had seen her out of the sheer fear that something may have happened to her, soothing terrible that I could have had a hand in preventing.
"Meki. It seems like her vitals are fading and fast, we have to do something about this quickly!" snarled Jino before he punched the glass pane and broke it before dragging her out onto the nearby operating table.
She was convulsing and her face looked pale
"What the hell happened?" I asked Jino.
He frowned, "They likely saw us enter their base and were shocked enough to the point where they didn't want to risk a direct confrontation considering who I was so they fled. Their numbers must not be that high considering the fact that they even had to leave, besides they probably still have patrols out, but they will be called back soon enough. The thing that I'm worried about is what will happen to your other crewmates." He grunted before stripping something out from his belt and injecting it into Evelyn.
I glanced at him worriedly, "What are you doing?"
"Giving her an immune booster." He said flatly, "It should be enough to keep her going for a little while, but we need to get her back to the shop to heal her and fast."
I just hope that she could make it out for this.
When the question of how we would hit this place came up, I was forced to act and lunged onto all of the nearby computing systems so that I could get an idea of how to free ourselves from this trap that we were in. I didn't quite know what to do when I appraised the, buttons and strange symbols in front for me, but I knew that the door was likely powered to close since it had been open prior to that. That implied that it took energy to keep the stones shut ad to keep the entire lockdown procedure running so I did what any rational thinker would do at the moment.
I simply cut off energy from the generators, which seemed to release everything in short order.
We quickly make the run towards the entrance with Evelyn in tow. He makes sure to inspect the entrance for any signs of an encroaching patrol and there didn't seem to be any so he merely dashes out of there as quickly as he could with me in tow. In fact, he even slung me over his shoulder and carried both Evelyn and I while running at about 40 miles per hour, I could only stare at him,
stunned at his strength as me and my friend were lugged around.
"Shit, shit, how could this have happened? I thought we had them! They were so close to being caught!" I cried out in shock and he merely frowned.
"Unless there was a detail that we were missing." he interjected.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that that wasn't the only base that they had. There must've been other ones along with that one. There was no way they would purge all the data like that if it meant that it was their only base, they would have taken the databases as well. It all points to another, larger base that is around here somewhere. The only course of action that we have now is to examine whatever you've found and hope that we can triangulate a central location from that alone."
Chapter Thirteen
"Right here, here it is, the final one" I muttered before placing the chip into the scanner on his workbench. It was a marvel that he could decode information from all these different races, but it was sensible, I suppose, for a soldier to possess such resources.
I gazed at the screen as the images flicker on, he gazed on with me as I watched the lines of strange symbols appear on the screen before I began to notice something, this singular trail, an anomaly that looked like it would code for something more.
It was a pattern that I could pick up only from the years that I had spent behind a computer fixing things.
I gazed over my shoulder at Evelyn was shown laying on the bed with some sort of IV drip contraption feeding into her, he told me that it was an antitoxin designed to clean out her circulatory system. From her body, there were two clear tubes, one filled with that clear fluid and the other filled with a red, almost purple color. I don't know what to do to help her since that was his field of expertise, but he had told me that she would probably live. We got here just in time for damage to be withheld from her organs, at most she might be weak for about a week or so.
And yet I couldn't help, but cry seeing her this way, they were all so defenseless, out there in the clutches of this madman. There had to be something that I could do to help.